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Puna Bound - aline - 10-28-2011

Finally making it back. Rented our house in Florida spent months working in Maine and saving. Bought a lot in hpp and will be there right after christmas. Dog's stuff done. Getting plans and permits started. We left 11 yrs ago and have regretted it ever since but family obligations made it impossible to return till now. We will be building a small home ourselves and are so looking forward to a Scuba Sunday and to see old friends and become part of the community once again. And after last nights snow here I am ready to leave now

RE: Puna Bound - mella l - 10-28-2011

Hurray hurrah for you Aline! Best wishes for an easy move! I'm so happy for you. We're not there yet but hope to be in the future.

mella l

Art and Science Our Future


RE: Puna Bound - SandyS - 10-28-2011

Congratulations! We had to wait 11 years after we bought our lot to finish up with family obligations before we could have our cottage built and make the big move. Life is good. Best wishes for your new adventure.

RE: Puna Bound - nortonh - 10-28-2011

Aloha, Aline,
From where in Maine are you moving? We made the move 5 yrs ago from Massachusetts to HPP and it's the best move we ever made!!
ALOHA, Cindy

I'd rather be a wise ass than a dumb ass!!!

RE: Puna Bound - hawaiideborah - 10-28-2011

We have been here over a year now in HPP and love it. No regrets, except we should have done it long ago. We also moved a cat and a dog. They are both happy they live Hawaii. This is the best place for animals. They can be outside all day and not cold (if you have a fenced yard).
Hope you have great success in your building. We just finished building a garage and studio after buying our new house and the permit process and building went like a dream. Very fast. County was easy for us to work with.
Good luck with your move.

RE: Puna Bound - pslamont - 10-28-2011

W E L C O M E!

I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"

RE: Puna Bound - Kelena - 10-28-2011

Aloha oe. E komo mai. Puna is a great place to be. Congratulations on your lot in HPP and on your future building plans. I always find it fascinating to watch people realize their dreams. I'll see your dreams and raise you mine.

RE: Puna Bound - David M - 10-28-2011

Originally left Hi in '81. Took a seemingly forever 5 year plan that resulted in moving back in 2005 and couldn't be happier.
BTW, grew up in Kittery area, haven't been back since parents passed in 2004 and likely never will.


Ninole Resident

RE: Puna Bound - aline - 10-29-2011

we lived in the saco area.Of course the snowstorm last night didnt make me too happy. It isnt even Halloween and we got 6 inches and still snowing,no power,cold glad I am at work at the hospital today

RE: Puna Bound - Likalizard - 10-30-2011

Aloha all, we also are Puna bound for only two weeks, staying in our home to spruce and fix up for vacationers. Finally we get to go to the Scuba Sunday too next week. Plans still on for selling here in Mass (Worcester Hills) and moving out permanently! Just shovelled 21 inches of snow, and am damn tired of this, OCTOBER! Mom nature sent us tricks!


"To err is human, to forgive divine"