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Wal-Mart Super Center In Hilo - Printable Version

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Wal-Mart Super Center In Hilo - Aaron S - 03-08-2007

Very interesting article in HTH today in regards Wal-Mart potentially leasing 15.5
acres of DHHL land behind their existing store
in Hilo.

Wal-Mart is naturally being cagey about their
intentions. As the lease has not been finalized.But I figure that Wal-Mart is going
to be building a SuperCenter on the land opening a Sams Club in the existing building.


RE: Wal-Mart Super Center In Hilo - Haole Girl - 03-08-2007

So having WalMart Supercenters are now part of "for the public good?"

Plans like these are very annoying. Begs the question, "Why aren't they using the DHHL to build houses for Hawaiians like how they (state and federal gov'ts) do on O'ahu for the military or like how they are using DHHL for a WalMart that already exists:


There are 2,721 outstanding claims that range from people who argue they were given deficient land to those who believe they've been on the waiting list for an unreasonable amount of time, said plaintiffs' attorney Carl Varady. It's unclear when the claims will be presented in court, but lawyers say the state should cooperate, noting that some beneficiaries have been waiting up to 40 years for an answer.

From http://starbulletin.com/2006/07/01/news/story01.html

Title held in trust for Hawaiians:

"the Office of Hawaiian Affairs shall hold title to all the real and personal property now or hereafter set aside or conveyed to it which shall be held in trust for native Hawaiians and Hawaiians."


Contruction for a WalMart or for military housing: One or two years

Construction of a home for a Hawaiian: 30 to 40 years... sometimes more (person dies while on the waiting list)

Where is the fairness?

Edited by - Haole Girl on 03/08/2007 15:44:10

RE: Wal-Mart Super Center In Hilo - JerryCarr - 03-08-2007

I think the concept is that by making lucrative leases on commercial land, they will make money to increase the budget for putting Native Hawaiians on land and/or in homes. (At least that's how it's supposed to work.)

The comparative speed with which the commercial and/or military buildings go up is due to well-financed construction management by the tenant after the lease is executed. As I understand it, construction is not done by DHHL, or it would probably take longer.

Also, the commercial leasing thing develops its own momentum. Once a DHHL area has large-scale commercial development, it is less attractive for residential use, thus engendering more commercial.

As far as WalMart's plans go, it will certainly shake up the local grocery business if they do indeed build a Supercenter or Sam's Club. Should be very interesting to see how those opposed try to block it.


RE: Wal-Mart Super Center In Hilo - Jared I - 03-08-2007

Who really cares if they build a Walmart. If you dont like it dont shop there, I am sure others will gladly take your place. I am all for more stores and cheaper goods.

Why care what DHHL does? If it was such a big issue I am sure the Hawaiian voters will reign them in? Heck the voters should vote to force the DHHL to release land in a timely manner or bounce the board out of office and strip them of their hawaiianess.

RE: Wal-Mart Super Center In Hilo - ericlp - 03-08-2007

Rumors everywhere! Smile Gotta love it!

I believe it when I see it. I doubt Wal-Mart will give any plans on what they will do with the land till they start building a building. Obviously walmart sees a big potential here on the east side. I am sure they are making tons of cash in a never ending busy store.

For rumor mill I'd rather have a sams club then a super walmart but... whatever happens it ought to be really interesting!

As for giving to hawaii. I am not even gonna comment as in doing so will open up a bag of worms... Who needs to argue on this forum if you don't like talk to Higa... He is the one that is promoting it all. That is if you can figure out where to send email....

RE: Wal-Mart Super Center In Hilo - haoleboy - 03-09-2007

Who really cares if they build a Walmart. If you dont like it dont shop there, I am sure others will gladly take your place. I am all for more stores and cheaper goods.

Why care what DHHL does? If it was such a big issue I am sure the Hawaiian voters will reign them in? Heck the voters should vote to force the DHHL to release land in a timely manner or bounce the board out of office and strip them of their hawaiianess.

Would their Hawaiianess then be available on the resale market? Hmm, how would the value be established for a certain share of Hawaiianess?
This could be quite an opportunity!


The great question - which I have not been able to answer - is, "What does a woman want?"-
Sigmund Freud

Edited by - haoleboy on 03/09/2007 04:41:12

RE: Wal-Mart Super Center In Hilo - HiloHaole - 03-09-2007

Where was the outcry when DHHL announce a couple of years ago a development on the Kona side with an expensive hotel and expensive housing for all the rich folks from California? Sure, DHHL has set aside some for lower-income housing but you can rest assured that it won't be very low-income housing since it would hurt the high-income house sells. A few small businesses may be hurt but many, many Hawaiians will enjoy a higher standard of living by having lower prices.

RE: Wal-Mart Super Center In Hilo - loffelkopffl - 03-09-2007

it's always about the $$

RE: Wal-Mart Super Center In Hilo - Tahunatics - 03-09-2007

We've boycotted Wal-Mart for years. Cheap prices at what cost? You'll be singing a different tune when the mom and pop shop they put out of business is your mom and pop.


Get the facts here in a 'Walmart - High Cost of Low Prices' documentary:




Edited by - Tahunatics on 03/09/2007 05:52:11

RE: Wal-Mart Super Center In Hilo - Jared I - 03-09-2007

If mom and pop stores provide a valuable service to their community and are hip to changing why would they be forced out? If WalMart is so bad people would stop shopping there.

All time on the top is limited, just look at Microsofts struggles now with Linux and Goggle and other designs. Its only a matter of time until they change or are dethroned. Same with Walmart.

Haoleboy, why would you want to be Hawaiian? Just so the DHHL could rate you on your blood levels of purity. I think the Nazis did that too, some people got all yellow stars, others red and yellow stars, still others just got a single triangle. If DHHL was concerned about people they would just release the land each person getting an equal share, but the DHHL thinks it needs to care for the poor Hawaiians (who can t make good decisions) and screw them over again and again. How much land has been sold away and how much money has been gained and put to no use, just so the council remains in control and people beg at their feet.