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Whales are at Kaloli Point - Printable Version

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Whales are at Kaloli Point - TomK - 11-23-2011

Tonight is rather cool and most of the coquis are quiet. It's just like old pre-coqui times!

Anyway, because the coquis are quiet, I've heard a couple of humpbacks breaching just off Kaloli Point (HPP) tonight. I don't have a view of the ocean but think the sounds came from the north part of the point. These noises used to freak me out when I first moved here - for a few years I didn't know what they were and thought some strange animal lived in the Shipman lands east of me! I've since figured out what they were!

Hope those who like whale watching or counting might be interested, and in the meantime hope everyone has a great thanksgiving!


RE: Whales are at Kaloli Point - rbakker - 11-23-2011

That is indeed a weird sound. I struggle to describe it. Like a mix between a cow and an elephant, groaning.

RE: Whales are at Kaloli Point - whalesong - 11-24-2011

For those of you who have never heard the mating call, check it out![8D]


Encounters with the whales

RE: Whales are at Kaloli Point - rbakker - 11-24-2011

Nice! But that's not quite it, it sounds different above water.

RE: Whales are at Kaloli Point - homer - 11-25-2011

Mahalo! Growing up on the farm in rural New England, the first time i heard the whales, I thought it was a Huge wild boar in heat somewhere TOO close! ...or the sound of a cow having a tough time delivering a calf in the middle of the night.
Nice to know our friends are back. I'm headed down to Kaloli Point!
Blessings Neighbors!


RE: Whales are at Kaloli Point - vmabry - 11-25-2011

Had my first whale sighting on the 15th of this month while kayak fishing outside of Leleiwi Point. She pulled up alongside the kayak about 25 yards away blowing gently as she passed. It is heart stopping when you have been on the water a couple of miles out from shore for hours with zero noise and all of a sudden the blast of their breath shocks you out of your wits or better yet a breach close by!

If you happen to be on the water and the whales are in the area, place your cell phone in a ziploc bag, turn the audio recorder on place it inside the hull of the kayak and capture the amazing dialogs when mom and calf communicate, (the kayak acts like a parabolic microphone). I love all the whale encounters!

RE: Whales are at Kaloli Point - hawaiideborah - 12-09-2011

Any sightings yet of the humpbacks?
I have seen none yet and look daily with binoculars...
Looking forward to hearing when they arrive this year.

Any word of any sightings in Kona/Kohala area yet?

Anxiously awaiting whales [Big Grin]

RE: Whales are at Kaloli Point - TomK - 12-09-2011

I haven't heard any whales since I wrote the original post. Surf has been a little high so maybe that's the problem although usually they don't hang around Kaloli Pt until the new year and after. I was surprised to hear them when I did.

The surf seems to be on its way down, at least from what I can hear, so maybe they'll be back in the next few days.


RE: Whales are at Kaloli Point - birdmove - 12-10-2011

One of my house guests saw one today past Kalapana.

Jon in Keaau/HPP

RE: Whales are at Kaloli Point - TomK - 01-08-2012

There are whales just off Kaloli Point as I write this (9:47pm Sunday 8th Jan). If anyone's up and nearby they might want to look - it's a bright moonlight night. I think there are three or four at least given what I can hear. Lots of breaching and the usual bizarre above-surface grunts and moans. The noises are coming from north-east of me so they are probably around the actual point itself but I've heard others north of me, so it might be a large group.
