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Suggested Reading - Printable Version

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Suggested Reading - Aki - 12-23-2011

Just looking for some input from fellow Punaweb members: what is the most memorable book you have read this year and why?

RE: Suggested Reading - macuu222 - 12-23-2011

"Micro" by Michael Crichton And Richard Preston.

Michael started the book and died before he could finish it. Richard Preston did an excellent job of finishing the book. It's classic Michael Crichton at his best. On par with Jurassic Park. A real page turner

RE: Suggested Reading - hawaiideborah - 12-23-2011

I read all 3 of Kiana Davenport's books this year.
The characters and their stories stayed with me long after I finished reading the books. She knows how to write a saga of Hawaii.

A strong runner up was Honolulu by Alan Brennert. Great story of Chinese picture brides who came to Honolulu before WWII. He also wrote the book Molokai a number of years ago.

RE: Suggested Reading - jennybee - 12-23-2011

A thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

Damn! that book made me cry like a child! I hope you will find time to read it, it's really amazing Smile

RE: Suggested Reading - dwedeking - 12-24-2011

Atlas Shrugged


RE: Suggested Reading - Aki - 12-24-2011

Thank you for all the suggestions! What I really like is the variety from just a few replies so far. Jennybee, a friend also recommended A Thousand Splendiid Suns, thank you. Have you read the Kite Runner by the same author? Dwedeking, while I've read the Fountainhead by Ayn Rand nearly 10 years ago, I've never read Atlas Shrugged.

RE: Suggested Reading - birdmove - 12-24-2011

I'm reading some old books by Issac Asimov. I always likes him, H.G.Wells, and Arthur C. Clark. Just finished my first read by Ben Bova, and will seek out some more. I always have a few library books stacked up at my house.

Jon in Keaau/HPP

RE: Suggested Reading - Susan - 12-24-2011

If it keeps raining, One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez. You won't even notice the weather is bad. It's rich, multi-layered. An amazing book.

The Steve Jobs biography by Walter Issacson.

The Stieg Larrson trilogy starting with The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo for something light.

RE: Suggested Reading - jerry - 12-24-2011

Griftopia by Matt Taibbi and At Home by Bill Bryson


RE: Suggested Reading - csgray - 12-24-2011

I'm not sure I could call The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo light, that book has some really dark subtexts, I want to read the other two.

I just reread Cider House Rules and was once again amazed by the writing in that book, much much better than the movie. I also recommend Little,Big by John Crowley and Winter's Tale by Mark Helprin that are both on my reread this winter lists. All this rain has me thinking I want to reread Sometimes a Great Notion, Kesey's description of the Oregon rain and mud, shoes molding and nails rusting overnight, would be appropriate right now.

If you like science fiction any of John Brunner's books are worth tracking down. They went out of print after he killed himself, but Sheep Look Up, Stand on Zanzibar, and Shockwave Rider were prescient of the world we live in today, even though they were written in the early to mid 70s. Libraries sometimes have hard bound copies.
