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just wanted to brag - Printable Version

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just wanted to brag - fishnchamp1 - 12-29-2011

Couldn't help but show off a bit... [Big Grin]


William DeBoe
Palm Beach, FL

Moe'uhane Oihana mahi ai

RE: just wanted to brag - oink - 12-29-2011

Yep, he's cute!

Big Islander to be.

RE: just wanted to brag - liskir - 12-29-2011

...and so darn jolly! What does Ron know that we don't? Smile

RE: just wanted to brag - TomK - 12-29-2011



RE: just wanted to brag - mailesomaha - 12-29-2011

Awwwww....cutie patootie

RE: just wanted to brag - Chuysmom - 12-29-2011

Oh my Lord, he is adorable! Made me laugh out loud! Congrats![Big Grin]


RE: just wanted to brag - Kapohocat - 12-30-2011

Did make me laugh - his smile is infectious!

RE: just wanted to brag - pslamont - 12-30-2011

Babies are wonderful... although at my age, I have come to allow baby sheep to absorb my attention. They don't wear diapers and you don't have to pay for them to go to college~

I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"

RE: just wanted to brag - DTisme - 12-31-2011

Ok I was expecting to see, you know, just some wrinkly little thing whose pop THOUGHT was cute. But this is one darn cute baby!!! I said AWWWWWWW real loud and then grabbed the pic just to make me smile when I need it. Mahalo for letting us see him!! A-dor-a-ble!!!

RE: just wanted to brag - fishnchamp1 - 01-02-2012

Thanks for the nice comments everyone. [Smile] We are just so proud of him we were thrilled to be able to share him with you all.

William DeBoe
Palm Beach, FL

Moe'uhane Oihana mahi ai