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22 days and counting....25 days and counting...
It's been 22 straight days of rain here in Washington State. Cold, blustery rain with no end in sight. Flooding, mud slides, absolutely miserable traffic, and only 25 days left until my new life begins in Hawaii! And that's what is getting me through each day.

Ain't life grand and with any luck your first rain storm upon arrival on The Island will yield 22" in one drop. Should it get too much for you come up to The Acres you can borrow my Zodiac maybe we can even do some the breakdown ditch of rt 11 ;~) Happy Solstice

Old Man Wintah has gone on vacation here in Maine it was 46 degrees today bright sun suppose to be near fifty by Friday good packing weather....Aloha Neighbor

Aloha HADave & Mz P

Hawaiian Acres

The best things in life are free.... or have no interest or payments for one full year.

When you arrive in Feb give me a call at 808-896-9545 maybe we can help with your housing. Also I know a builder who is always looking for a good carpenter.

Mahalo for the support and info! This community is so great! I'm gradually loosing the stress associated with this move, and it's all thanks to the kindness and support that has come from this community.


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