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HPP Grading And Paving
I asked previously, but got no response.

Is HPP looking into "Chip seal" surfacing. A good example is Kapoho Kai (the road to Vacationland). It's a quarter of the cost of asphalt (four times the area per buck), easy to maintain without special equipment, and effectivly elliminates dust from the roads.

The only drawback is that chip sealing doesn't work so well on steep hills ( so pave them).

I agree with James that there has been a lot of ranting on this thread, but don't think he was singling out maku'u, who actually had a suggestion.

I once again state that I don't live in your subdivision, but maintain a vested interest in the situation.

That is to say I'm developing a new "sit-com" for submission to Comedy Central. Think of a kind of "Petticoat Juntion" meets "lost" meets "Cribs".

Anti-flaming disclaimer: The previous paragraph is an attempt at humor, and doesn't neccessarily reflect the opinion of a sane individual.
perhaps if they are gonna keep dragging their feet with regards to paving HPP. You'd think they'd at least give each Household in HPP a pair of "kidney belts",until the paving starts.

Speaking of Albezia Trees! What, the HUI is gonna wait until these trees on Paradise Ave. fall on the powerlines before they doing anything? These "****ers" should be doing their jobs a bit better! Why wait for countless pissed off phone calls from HPP residents with no electricity. Deal with it now, before it's a big problem! Albezia Trees are starting to brush up against the power lines now....[Sad!]

Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.

Will Rogers

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
Originally posted by Rob Tucker

I have come to the conclusion that Pohaku is someone who was recently suspended from this forum and has returned under another name. Sorry for the diversion folks but "Pohaku" is being shut off.

Punaweb moderator

Not seeing the relationship between Pohaku's passion and the seeming ambivilence and inequality in the road maintenance activity..I live on 5th and like a broken record, I'll say again this road had not been graded in at least ten months, the potholes are herrendous. Yes, I've adjusted my speed and travel very slowly(2mla/hr max) to avoid injuring the vehicle but have recently hurt by back. Everytime I bump down my relatively short road I am infuriorated when the twinges of pain course through my back neck and eventually migrate to a migraine. And I do contend that living and experiencing life in Puna has alot to do with ones subjectivity to the road maintainance problems. I have lived in this subdivision the majority of my life and part of the reason I bought here was becasue of the seemingly well maintianed roads and I love the area. But, even at super slow speeds I cannot drive myself , my children back and forth to school, appointments, etc.. without feeling the pain- is there someone I can talk to about having our road fixed?
We all feel the (your) pain...

Clyde Wheatley
HPPOA Road Supervisor

I contacted him in the summer using the above email which was given to me by the HUI.

We are rentling on Paradise Ala Kai which has not seen a road crew since we moved to the island July 2007... And it was bad then!

just got my annual bill the other day. The Hui can pave these Nut Sacks!

The promise given was a necessity of the past: the word broken is a necessity of the present.”

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
WOW!!!!! That is the most lovely road and work I've ever seen in HPP!!!
Everybody drive slowly PLEASE!

BTW I did take a drive on 5th the other day and the road was not as bad as alot of others I've been on (yes I did see the easy to avoid small pothole off Makuu). Neither was the one to Kaloli Point.

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