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Mitch Roth's Son's Job and the TMT
Just when you think all this drama on Mauna Kea couldn't get any more ridiculous, this story comes along:

It seems that Hawaii county prosecutor Mitch Roth's 22 year old son works for the Jet Propulsion Lab. That famous research and exploration facility is technically managed by Cal Tech which is one of many sponsors of the TMT. So now a protester who is also a UH law instructor is saying Roth should step aside from prosecuting the token arrests on the mountain because it is a conflict of interest.

Is this guy really dumb or what? Almost anyone they replace Roth with will have a very good chance of being tougher on those arrested than the wimpy prosecutor. I'll never forget his lame excuses for dropping all the charges the last time around.

The nuttiness just goes on and on and on.
Roth should step aside from prosecuting the token arrests on the mountain because it is a conflict of interest.

Only true if there is actual prosecution. Given that the police were told to stand down (though they've been careful not to say on whose orders) I suspect that Roth, too, is merely a pawn in a larger agenda.

All of this has revealed to me how politically extreme and nutty some of the professors at UH are. I tried to engage one in some serious conversation on social media, and he accused me of being a Russian trollbot, and refused to go beyond talking points. I suspect because his activism exceeded his knowledge and capabilities.
Poking the badger here... What would happen if a group "blocked access to the access"?
In other words, do the same thing on both sides checking for "protectors", denying them access, blocking food and water deliveries, etc.?
What would happen if a group "blocked access to the access"?

Possibly a riot, but it might ultimately bring resolution through the courts via an order for equal treatment under the law.
Originally posted by randomq

All of this has revealed to me how politically extreme and nutty some of the professors at UH are. I tried to engage one in some serious conversation on social media, and he accused me of being a Russian trollbot, and refused to go beyond talking points. I suspect because his activism exceeded his knowledge and capabilities.

you have no idea....
bring resolution through the courts via an order

Court orders are merely an inconvenience which can be silently ignored.

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