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Best way to sell gold/silver/diamonds?
Mercury my friend - super dense planet laden with precious metals - will be a figurative Gold mine for centuries to come.


There has been a huge gold reserve found, estimated at $20 Billion.
Gold! Haiti eyes potential $20 billion bonanza

Volcanoes, as well as spewing poison gas and bringing up toxic minerals like arsenic, also tend to bring up gold, platinum and diamonds. The volcano in Haiti has brought up a lot of gold. Of course, after it is all done, it will probably look like this, the island nation of Nauru after phosphate mining:

The whole middle of the island is uninhabitable. The natives were once rich from phosphate royalties and are now among the poorest. The sea level is rising and filling their fresh water aquifers with salt water.

The saying is "gold is worthless to a man dying of thirst in the desert". The Saudi Arabians value pure water more than gold. They were able to tap aquifers to make the desert bloom with farms and gardens, then soon found out that dried up their aquifers. They are back to ideas like towing ice bergs.

Value is relative.
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Related topic:!watch/12834#i0,p52,d0 Moral at end.


Another good one is the Twilight Zone episode titled The Rip Van Winkle Caper.


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