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Listen to the Silence
As the response of many here, has anyone taken the time to "listen to the Silence" as I call it, lately?
Just as when surfing, you can sense the currents and temperatures therein with your feet, and knowing when "it" is arriving, then becoming one with the wave with your board as a medium, able to follow the waves current and become " one" with it? You, have "listened to the Silence".
If no time for water, I take a walk by first exhaling while throwing my arms in the air, "giving" my stress and problems to the heavens for sorting out. Then, while walking I slowly hear the monkeys in my head quieting down, allowing the "Silence" to take it's place. "Silence" in that I hear the wind before I feel it on my face. There is distant children's laughter along with it, and an Anole has just rustled the leaves on the ground! You hear, then feel the shake of a wave hitting the bluff, with spray hitting your face.
You now, have taken the time to "Listen to the Silence". Try it, your blood pressure may drop, and you may just have a smile on your face. "Double Dog Dare Ya!!"

Community begins with Aloha
"You hear, then feel the shake of a wave hitting the bluff, with spray hitting your face."

I like the fine ocean spray trailing the crest of a swell which has just started to break. One usually feels it on their face having just missed catching the wave. A tantalizing yet curiously relaxing moment.
Mahalo Tink !

The wind I hear is the space between my ears : )

LOL!! You get extra hearing the tick tick tick of a Series motor!

Community begins with Aloha
I remember walking out to see the lava, which would sometimes take hours, and hearing nothing but the breeze... that constant breeze... and occasionally the distant sounds of waves crashing.
LOL!! +1 Yeah, but never can relax. Driving downwind = is it getting louder ??? Like installing a temp gauge in air cooled VW >>> 'Piece/peace' of mind suicide.

Agree with all above.

I wish I could transport all my "born and raised" friends to experience the silence ( and smell ) of snowing late at night.


That's certainly the most peaceful experiences I recall also. When only hearing the snow drop on the snow... Thanks for recalling the memory.
Thanks for this, Tink!
I love the idea of one of those audio channels on Hawaii-CA flights broadcasting relaxing "snow falling on snow" creating a riot in first class.

"I want my money back. You gave me the Bose headphones and I can't hear a damn thing!"(*)

(*) Not that I know of any flights from HI that give you Bose headsets. But they do elsewhere.

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