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My Centipede Encounter In Puna
From what I understand, the blue ones pack a bigger punch even though they are smaller than the red ones. I've even been told that a fully mature blue one can be quite harmful to an infant. I have only been bitten by the red ones, so I can only personally attest to those. One time the bugger was so big that he took a chunk of skin with him and left me bleeding! Guess that'll teach me for settin' around on the grass in the evening...

Aloha all,
I am getting a real kick reading this -pede thread here on a cold Colorado night with nary a bug in sight (though I did smush a spider last night and the flies have been awful this winter. Of course, no self-respecting fly would be out in the cold and snow we've been having).

I have only encountered centipedes on the coast, Kona or Puako area. I'm really hoping they are few and far between in coastal HPP. As a science/math teacher-person I really don't mind most critters, but members of the -pede family pretty much creep me out, esp the big 'uns. Auwe, is right!

Our big critter problems here are mosquitos, magpies, the occasional skunk or bear. We had several bears haunting the neighborhood last spring/summer. I woke up one am to the sounds of my nephew shouting "go away bear" out the window (the bear was crawling up my little deck to raid the bird feeder) and I startled a big male in my driveway while gardening. He didn't act too scared of me. At least I can knife a centipede!

Linda in CO
I'm checking my fuzzy slippahs right now! Ah dis kine talk gonna give a sistah nightmares!


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