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How much rain was that?

At our weather station here in Mountain View yesterday we picked up just over 10” of rain at 10.29”. We are at 33 inches of rain and counting for the month. This is our heaviest rainfall day of the year so far and with the current atmospheric changes to a drier state, it probably will end up as the Most rainfall in a day for this year.

Using a rainfall calculator;

More than 814,620 gallons of water fell on our 3 acres yesterday. Each gallon weighs 8.34 lb but for an easy calculation we’ll just go 800,000 X 8 lbs = 6,400,000 lbs of liquid water fell yesterday on our property!

Now Puna is about 320,000 acres big so assuming the rain amounts are the same everywhere You can calculate that more than 80 billion gallons of water fell on Puna yesterday. For an easy calculation 8 lbs X 80 billion gallons and this liquid water would weigh about 640 billion pounds.

You can see the results of this rain here, measurement taken near the 7 Falls of the Wailuku River;

As a trained weather observer with over 50 years experience, the NWS sometimes calls me and asks about flooding? But here at our house all the water seems to just soaks in eventually.. Where does all this water go?

Maybe it all ends up in this recently discovered giant underground ocean- if all this water was on the surface only the peaks of mountains would stick out- imagine island living then!;

"...more than 80 billion gallons of water fell on Puna yesterday. For an easy calculation 8 lbs X 80 billion gallons and this liquid water would weigh about 640 billion pounds."

If my calculations are correct based on Niagra Falls having a flow rate of 150,000 gallons per second, that would be the equivalent of Puna being mercilessly pummeled by roughly 6 Niagra Falls over a 24 hour period.

"More than 814,620 gallons of water fell on our 3 acres yesterday."

One might say that would be like having the whole of Niagra Falls diverted onto your 3 acres for 5.4 seconds.
Sell it to California for a dollar... dime a pound.

Work..Consume...Obey - There's your meaning of life....

so assuming the rain amounts are the same everywhere

I understand you are trying to show how massive the rainfall we get is, But the assumption above is never going to be true. We got less than two inches (south of Leilani) in the time period.

I share your puzzlement over where the water goes, though. Even our compost never fills, just disappears unless we put a barrier of some kind underneath.

My only hope is that the TMT never gets built so our groundwater doesn't get poisoned. Wink Smile and Wink


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