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Chili cook-off I need you
Chili cook-off I need help

To all of my Pahoa loving friends.

The Chili cook-off is still scheduled for the end of February and can be one of the single most enjoyable events that Pahoa has had to date. There is lots of volunteer time in setting up such an event and I have laid some of the groundwork out but there still is lots to do.

Due to the turn in my wife’s health my attention must be directed towards her needs. Because of this, my time is extremely limited and her immediate care is my number one priority. Please don’t let this event fall by the wayside for the lack of a few good people to volunteer.
I will still continue to do what I can but it can only be from my home and if I have the time.

My apologizes to everyone for starting something that I can’t finish. I will still help, but maybe only in the capacity of a consultant.

Mahalo everyone,
The Lack

Phone 965-1604
Tom; We arrive on the 29th of Jan, Will get with you once we are there and will be glad to help out. Dick & kathy

dick wilson
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"

First of all, so sorry to hear about your wife's health. Nothing is more precious than good health, other than life itself.

We just got here on Monday. I can't do a whole lot because we will be unpacking and organizing our house, but I would be willing to help on the day of the event in any capacity. I may be able to talk my husband into it as well.

I would be glad to be a judge if you need them, as I am a food writer and owned a cooking school in Chicago. I could help on publicity (My other career was in PR), but I don't have ANY connections in that realm here yet. But I can write press releases and e-mail them if someone gives me an e-mail list to do so. Has a charity been decided upon yet? That might make a big difference in getting people to attend. I can also design flyers and if someone has a laser printer, I can e-mail the files so they can be printed. They can be passed out at local businesses, farmer's markets etc. I don't have any of my office supplies here, other than my lap top.

Those of us with BLOGS can also put a link on our blogs to an info site. I think that there are some free hosting programs that could be used without investing in a domain name and all of that, but even Go Daddy has cheap domain names and free basic hosting packages. Also, if everyone can submit e-mail addresses of their friends, we can send out e-mail notices about the event every week or two. I would be glad to do that too, once a web page is set up and we have a contact person.

Why don't you make up a list of things that need to be done and then people can figure out what they can do to help and sign up. If everyone pitches in no single person is going to bear too large a burden. What day is the actual event? And what hours will it be in operation? Where is it going to be held? Are there going to be set up costs involved?

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

Devany Vickery-Davidson
East Bay Potters
Not only am I maybe interested in participating in the cook-off, but I am definately interested in helping it come together, etc. Please let met know the areas you see the most need, and I'd be glad to let you know what I can do.


~ Rachael
~ Rachael
What happened to the planned chili cook-off? Is it off the calendar?

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

Heads-up Johnny!! Lack had surgery on his knee and is in rehab as we speak! Priorities, man!

Carrie Rojo

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." Barack Obama
Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
A while back Tom asked for volunteers to help as with his wife's health he could not do it all on his own. Only me and one other person offered to help and since I was in the middle of moving, it was impossible for me to take on the whole project with only one helper. The event was scheduled to take place at the end of February. So, it has come and gone.

Tom is still in Honolulu recuperating from his knee surgery and should be back by Monday.

Originally posted by John S. Rabi

What happened to the planned chili cook-off? Is it off the calendar?

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

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