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dengue fever could be here to stay
"My question is... What happens when a household member get's it... who wants to be in the room with a sick person and a mosquito?"

Consult your physician, investigate the standard home care recommendations, take care of your household member, keep them isolated from mosquitoes (Dengue is not contagious from person to person), remain vigilant to protect yourself from mosquito bites.

The map has suddenly been replaced with something far more accurate.

I like how some think it's not a big deal.

From the CDC...

With more than one-third of the world’s population living in areas at risk for infection, dengue virus is a leading cause of illness and death in the tropics and subtropics. As many as 400 million people are infected yearly.

Dunno... This was something once again, like LFA and Coqui that could have been avoidable if the correct actions were taken. It just isn't that bad unless it's in "My backyard". Wait till cases start popping up on Oahu. Then maybe Ige will think differently? You know it's gonna happen sooner than later.
Originally posted by dakine

As it is the article you provide a link to appears to be of a private report of one incident involving one patient. Is this your understanding?

That's certainly what that article says. "We gave this guy papaya leaf smoothies twice a day, and after a week the disease was gone!"

Yes, I'm both paraphrasing the paper and being facetious - without any treatment at all, people usually get better about a week after falling ill.
+ 1 Midnight Rambler. It seems these smoothies are administered to folks who are not severely ill and were on the upswing already.

Good way to get ones name in the news though.

Does anyone know if the DOH is doing outreach or informational efforts in languages other than English? Some of my Japanese neighbors are back on the island, and it seems like a good idea to inform them of some of the mitigation measures. We don't speak each other's language, however.

(Also posted in the mosquito control thread, but no response there so I'll try here.)
Originally posted by msrocket

Does anyone know if the DOH is doing outreach or informational efforts in languages other than English? Some of my Japanese neighbors are back on the island, and it seems like a good idea to inform them of some of the mitigation measures. We don't speak each other's language, however.

(Also posted in the mosquito control thread, but no response there so I'll try here.)

They are finally distributing information in either Micronesian or Marshallese and Spanish in South Kona and Ka'u so the coffee pickers and other field workers know what is happening, I don't think they are doing anything in Japanese yet.
Do you think they will distribute information to the hippies living down on Papaya Farms Road ?

The original map that showed an infected person in Pahoa was actually someone on Papaya Farms Road.The latest map shows the exact location of that outbreak.

DEET or die !!!!
I don't know how exact those pins on the new map are, some of them are pinned into areas where no one lives, so I think they are still pretty general indicators, instead of exact locations. With modern map making techniques, the county has the ability to be very exact, so if the county chose they could have put those pins in the exact TMK of confirmed cases.

All along Red Road are some pretty mosquito heavy locations, plus a lot of people walk and hitchhike around there, which increases chances of getting bit. The Puna medical clinic is doing some free walk in clinics with the mobile medical clinic down that way over the next month, so I would guess they are planning on doing outreach at the same time. I know of at least 3 recent diagnosed influenza cases in Puna, so medical providers are going to have their hands full with figuring out which cases are flu and which are dengue and which are just fear based overreacting.
Guess you haven't been down here in a while.

There is a very large population of Young people in that area.

Here is a website of one of the colonies where this disease is spreading !

Good Luck to you all !!

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