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dengue fever could be here to stay
My friend and I were having this debate where I said Dengue isn't an EPIDEMIC yet and she said it is. I looked up the definition and it said: a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time.
Wow it somehow seems much more serious if it is labeled as an epidemic. What do you think?
I have to agree that if it were that cheap and easy for me to make and deploy traps then the State has lost a golden opportunity to 1. Look proactive by beating me to the punch (by giving them away) and 2. BE proactive by giving them away, implementing a simple and effective measure.

If the Navy has patented such an effective trap and is OK with the public distribution of it, why doesn't every Health Department website in every state have a link to it?
I have a coworker who lived on Maui when dengue broke out there, she said the county was giving away mosquito repellant, coils and netting at all the "major" intersections, fire stations, community meetings, school events and almost anywhere people gathered. From the very first case there was a big push to reach people with the stuff and information they needed to stay safe and to prevent the spread of the virus through their community. That was the best technology and information available at the time and the county ran with it.
Originally posted by MarkP

I have to agree that if it were that cheap and easy for me to make and deploy traps then the State has lost a golden opportunity to 1. Look proactive by beating me to the punch (by giving them away) and 2. BE proactive by giving them away, implementing a simple and effective measure.

If the Navy has patented such an effective trap and is OK with the public distribution of it, why doesn't every Health Department website in every state have a link to it?

The Navy somehow gave the manufacturing rights to only one company, it's the trap you can see at HomeDepot, well I saw it there yesterday, limiting 2 per customer and not enough to go around.

My understanding is our health dept had way too many budget cuts and is understaffed and underfunded.

I've been proactive:
making and putting out traps
cutting back foliage
pulling out bromeliads
turning over containers at empty vacation homes on my street
cleaning my gutters
put up electronic zappers in the yard
essential oil diffuser in the house
helping the neighbors do the same

Nobody is getting dengue due to any negligence on my part.

Originally posted by ElysianWort
My friend and I were having this debate where I said Dengue isn't an EPIDEMIC yet and she said it is. I looked up the definition and it said: a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time.

It depends on whether one considers the 140ish cases (out of ~190,000 people on Hawaii island) as being "widespread". Given the totals seen in other countries where the CDC actually declared an epidemic, this current outbreak doesn't really qualify (yet).

ETA - Puerto Rico 2012 Dengue Epidemic (population is ~3.5 million, or just over 2x the state of Hawaii)
When suspected cases pass the 75th percentile based on historical data between 1986 and 2008, the CDC declares epidemic status.
Dengue is endemic to Puerto Rico, which sees 3,000 to 9,000 cases in non-epidemic years. The worst epidemics since 1990 saw 24,700 cases in 1994, 17,000 in 1998, and 10,508 in 2007. During the most recent epidemic in 2007, half of the cases were hospitalized, and one third were reportedly hemorrhagic.
Yes Ironyak,

NOT attacking you here, just sayin'

This is not as simple as waiting 'till the last minute to do Christmas Shopping.

It REQUIRES forethought, immediate action from all of us + applying wisdom of the impending, ominous future and its potential consequences. It really seems like this is too much to consider for some.

We are ALL in this ... Drives me nuts to hear such nonchalant attitudes towards what may change the rest of our live here forever ...

All around I still see doors and windows open, kids running around shirtless, people sitting in outdoor restaurants, etc ...

Paint me however you like ... I'm just glad it's not something worse.

We should all just curtail ANY activities that put us at risk for a month ...

observing the world,

...because they've already had their dengue?
Originally posted by kalakoa

...because they've already had their dengue?

Wow, isn't this just brilliant? Countries with active DEN 1,2,3 & 4. What am I missing?

Didn't take time to find this snippet from the CDC:

"Severe dengue is a leading cause of serious illness and death among children in some Asian and Latin American countries."

...because they've already had their dengue?

Unless they've already contracted DEN-2, DEN-3, or DEN-4. Then when they come down with DEN-1 in Hawaii they'll get a hemorrhagic fever dream vacation.

In addition, there's always the slight possibility that should our new Malaysian tourists arrive before showing full blown symptoms of DEN-2,3,4, they could unknowingly bring a new strain to Hawaii. Thank you Hawaii State Tourism Authority for, for coordinating your efforts with the DOH.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
A Dengue vaccine has been developed and tested already.

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