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HPP mailbox vote
Well first good news "jo quit" in a long time#127863;#128512; i will not pay for something i receive nothing for i mow my own easment my road is tore up and i should be sending hpp a bill for my labor and car maintenance. ..chip seal project is bs not what i agreed for hpp dues paving a licensed contractor hpp doi g chip sea
Hpp doing chip seal to the tune of 50k for every road by an unlicensed person who pockets our money with no work comp liability insurance just got our paving money for crap that wont last 2 years..
Mermaid you seem to be very informed and intelligent on these matters we should talk
Originally posted by leilanidude

Your adolescent behavior w/the name calling...
You have done a lot of that. Should people go back and quote all those instances?

I think you should do it since it's your idea. Go for it and report back to us.

I heard they already filled the 2 vacancies tonight at the board mtg. Very carefully handpicked people and Leilani Bronson Crelly is one of them. Her husband was the previous pres 2015-2016 and part of 2016-2017 until he resigned. There are 2 stories, his and the other is the bond company's. He was never legally seated during the 2016-2017 term, as the board bypassed the bylaws in Jul 2016, never advertised that seat which means the membership had no chance to apply. Blatant bylaw breaking. He's the one who publicly said at a couple of mtgs the board can do whatever they want, the membership doesn't matter. Both Crelly's are pro chip seal.

There was no board mtg agenda posted for the 2nd month in a row on the HPP website (as is required a week in advance). So both Jan and Feb, no one knew the board was filling board vacancies. Non transparency has gotten worse, now we're not even supposed to know what they'll be discussing at their mtgs.

Mermaid posts,
"Here's a does anyone know what exactly they're voting for anymore on the mailbox "ballot"????
It's a fluid situation now. The land they even intend to use have restrictions they may not have researched and may not be able to utilize....lots of unanswered questions, and I'm sure many will ask at the membership mtg. It seems prudent to get more info FIRST before they get your vote.
Again, how does anyone know what they're voting for anymore, right?"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Do the math on how much this board would be collecting. Consider the facts provided to you on the validity of their proposal. Ask yourself how well they are fulfilling their current mandate "roads" and if you are satisfied with the fiscal management of our current board .
Ascertain for yourself if they have the legal authority to assess us for this project.... and if not...what could be the possible monetary ramifications to our Assoc.
Worth repeating........ "how does anyone know what they would be voting for."

Good question reni. I have just heard that it looks like the board at the Wed. meeting has finally discovered that maybe they didn't know what they were doing when they sent out that "misguided" mailbox letter in the road maintenance billing and have decided to contact an attorney (using our money of course) to ask his opinion on whether they have the authority or if the association has the authority to pass an assessment on their neighbors for something some members want but others don't. More wasted money, why don't they try reading the bylaw they tried to scam the association with, you know the one that says special assessments are only for for road maintenance or maybe (I'm being facetious) ask one of the "poison ten" Jerry Sodan, Jr. keeps ranting about on Facebook. I bet they could enlighten his understanding without the use of pejoratives.

One possible problem with the board wasting money on another attorney is what happened last year when they asked the very same attorney questions that had nothing to do with the arbitration issues and BEHOLD! they got the answer back that they wanted.

The board also, I have heard, has decided to send back the $150 to each of the poor souls who were so sadly deceived because of the scam letter in the road maintenance billing. Let's see what happens with that...
Caveat posts,
"The board also, I have heard, has decided to send back the $150 to each of the poor souls who were so sadly deceived because of the scam letter in the road maintenance billing."

If this is true, very wise on their part to return the funds. I have no idea of the caliber of the attorney our assoc. is currently seeking legal advice from. And yes, there are attorneys who might consider our Assoc.'s dishevel as a lucrative acct. But there are good attorneys out there that actually can & will provide sound legal advice. Our Association REQUIRES one. I mean think about... a Corp. of our size relying on volunteer only input???????
Jerry R. Sodan Sr.
ยท February 11 at 3:17pm
Well all you experts win. I have just submitted my resignation to HPPOA Board of Directors. All I ever intended to do was to try to make life better here in HPP for all of us. I had no hidden agenda, no Special Interests (The wrinkled up Cheerleader and her Whiner Boy) but I did my best and was second guessed by the Poisonous 10 at every turn.
The remaining members of the BoD are decent hard working people. I might add much more hard working than the majority here. The vast majority, or at least most vocal among you, has made it impossible. I strongly suggest you the naysayers and scribbling note takers (Ms. Wrinkledup Cheerleader and Whiner Boy). So in keeping with the prevailing attitude here in HPP I would like to say "Screw you. I have a mail box"
Jerry R. Sodan Sr.
February 14 at 9:45am

Good morning all. Well I was told that there are "people" (a term used very loosely) on Puna Talk who feel I should apologize to them for hurting their dear little feelings. I tried to register on that site and guess what, I had the moral courage to use my real name. Funny thing though, I'm not allowed to post a rebuttal. You would expect to be able to voice your opinion but the Poisonous 10 don't want to hear or read facts, just want to spew their BS. Mr. SHOCKwaveRider, you are a liar. Yes we did have a conversation at the HPPOA Office. The rest of your story is laced with half truths and difficulties. As for Puna Talk, that's OK, keep spouting your vomit about the mailbox initiative. You are all so full of hate and disinformation you have no idea what the truthmentality really is.
I will not apologize to person's who hide in the shadows. I will not apologize for telling the truth to my community. I want to bring this community together and will not apologize to those who spread discord through their duplicitous promotion of self interest. I will not apologize for seeking legal counsel to determine the viability of filing criminal charges against those who have stolen our money or grossly violated the Bylaws of HPPOA.
I will apologize to those of you who are confused by all the BS they are spreading. If the present BoD were as disgusting and cowardly as this group of spineless by bunch I would fight them also. But I can tell you in all sincerity this board is not. cowardly. They are dealing with complex issues that effect all of us in HPP. They have to make hard to swallow decisions. They have to make unpopular decisions. They care about this community and they deserve your support. If you want to know what's going on first hand go to the regularly scheduled HPPOA BoD meetings. They hide nothing. I stand with the BoD. There will be 6 open seats during the next election. I strongly urge you to become candidates, get elected and serve with no agenda save making HPP a great place to live.

For those of you who have not gone to HPP Next Door on F.B. Here are comments posted from the former board member Sodan. If this kind of language and behavior is OK by you then we can all see why our association is in the place it is. I do not think any of the members were raised to know what real respect is or how to behave in an adult, reasonable, fair minded way.
To the poster who got his road graded and is tooting his worn on how well the road crew is. The mentality that "mines done so I don't care about any one else" is sad. Some of us have not had our road maintained for over a year. Over $300 and no service. Just grading a road without laying proper road material and rolling it will not last long.
I did hear that the board had their selected appointees for the recent vacancies all lined up. Nothing could be done about it so expect the same ol same ol.
And the GM is taking a ton of time off. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out why Jo resigned. She will likely take his place and get paid now.
And many think that we can get out of this mess on our own still.
Reni posted:
If this is true, very wise on their part to return the funds. I have no idea of the caliber of the attorney our assoc. is currently seeking legal advice from. And yes, there are attorneys who might consider our Assoc.'s dishevel as a lucrative acct. But there are good attorneys out there that actually can & will provide sound legal advice. Our Association REQUIRES one. I mean think about... a Corp. of our size relying on volunteer only input???????

The board should've sent a communication to the entire membership via USPS ASAP once the mailbox project blew up in their faces, to stop members from sending in $150. It's still not been done and should've been first order of business IMO.

The board has used their lawsuit attys (Bereman and Crudele) for a lot of consultations, and Thomas Yeh who was initially hired to be HPP's land use atty back in Aug/Sep 2014 regarding the prevalent member encroachment issues on HPP's easements. RTSC was tasked to find a land use atty by the board prior to Jul 2014. He has been used for everything but that.

One of those atty consultations reaped this board mantra stated by former board pres (2015-2016/up to Sep 2016) "The board can do whatever they want, the membership doesn't matter." which had been/is the board indoctrination. From what I hear by many is this, "an atty will tell you whatever you want to hear" or "attys ask what you want the answer to be", and I've observed the atty's answer is only as good as the question.

So what's the answer in getting good sound advice that's in the best interest of the membership, not the board? I heard an interesting idea recently from a member....we need to change the board's ability to use our $ to go after members.

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