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HPP mailbox vote
They are probably people who USED to live in HPP...

"if there are people who aren't entitled bc they don't own in HPP, then it makes sense to give the mailboxes to people who do."

So I guess the first step would be to find out if there is or ever was a requirement that you had to be a HPP owner to get one of these boxes, and/or if any rules were violated. If not, then I think it would be a waste of time to take it any further.
Originally posted by My 2 cents
So I guess the first step would be to find out if there is or ever was a requirement that you had to be a HPP owner to get one of these boxes, and/or if any rules were violated. If not, then I think it would be a waste of time to take it any further.

That would seem to be the logical and proactive next steps right? As we've seen w/the board's mailbox fiasco thus far, nor any corrective measures, one can't count on that.

As keaau mary pointed out, some people may have moved out and kept their box. I don't know how this gets under the radar, but some people who've sold their homes passed on their boxes to their buyer. Not fair to those on long waiting lists who've been living in the park for a few yrs.
I will attempt to alleviate some assumptions. I am one of the people you are targeting. I have a box in HPP. I live in Orchidland and have never owned property in HPP.

I had general delivery for a few years, and when the very first cluster of boxes was installed in HPP I was offered one. USPS approached me, not the other way around. I have had the same box with the same address for over 30 years. I know of a few others in OL that also have HPP boxes, and at least one got her box in the 90's, so it wasn't just a one-time thing. This tells me that the USPS can give the boxes to anyone they want. Even if the rules were to change, I'm pretty sure that it wouldn't be retroactive. I don't think you are going to have any luck getting the USPS to evict people from the boxes that they have occupied for decades. I would gladly give up my box if there was another one offered closer to my home.

On the bright side, I think I am now officially qualified to comment on this thread. (Joy)
My 2 cents...the USPS didn't ask us if we owned in HPP when we got on the waiting list for a box in HPP.

I'm not targeting you nor am I going to make a judgment. It was the mailbox committee that brought this to our attention.

Since the USPS gave you a box and you've had it for all these years, then that's how it is. I would agree that it'd be highly doubtful that the USPS would evict someone from their boxes once they've given it to them. The problem of not enough mailboxes in Keaau, not just in HPP, is more complex an issue than I first thought....and how to fix it....
My2cents, that brings up more unanswered questions. The mailbox fiasco plan calls for all of the current boxes to be removed and replaced with new boxes to cover 8800 lots in HPP w/physical addresses being used. What happens to all of the boxes belonging to you and others not living in HPP? Would the USPS move their old boxes (they own them, HPP does not) to new locations like OL? Not likely. Would you be included in the new box installations w/ your physical addreess? Not likely.

This board is made up of new directors wholly lacking in any historical knowledge or the professional attitude to seek out others who have already made a trek down that path (see BOD meeting minutes in 2012). I was at the membership meeting (I was wearing shorts and wearing slippas, you may have seen me) and witnessed a member make a similar comment to the board except, he suggested that the board look up some of the old board who had researched this complicated topic and find out what information and knowledge they may still retain. Which I believe is just common sense and would save time and mistakes. Instead, their attitude has been "let's reinvent everything" always ending in confusion and chaos.

BTW, the "new directors wholly lacking in any historical knowledge" comment excludes Ruth Mizuba, Dist. 2 who has lived in the Park for a very long time, but her expertise and historical knowledge seems to pertain only to helping the Association get into a lawsuit resulting in receivership.
Always figgah you will be most likely taken advantage of when the,military,etc.(subdivision associations) THINK that they are doing folks a favor when in fact they hurt more than they help. I can smell the stench from here.
Slow Walker
Originally posted by caveat emptor

My2cents, that brings up more unanswered questions. The mailbox fiasco plan calls for all of the current boxes to be removed and replaced with new boxes to cover 8800 lots in HPP w/physical addresses being used. What happens to all of the boxes belonging to you and others not living in HPP? Would the USPS move their old boxes (they own them, HPP does not) to new locations like OL? Not likely. Would you be included in the new box installations w/ your physical addreess? Not likely.

This board is made up of new directors wholly lacking in any historical knowledge or the professional attitude to seek out others who have already made a trek down that path (see BOD meeting minutes in 2012). I was at the membership meeting (I was wearing shorts and wearing slippas, you may have seen me) and witnessed a member make a similar comment to the board except, he suggested that the board look up some of the old board who had researched this complicated topic and find out what information and knowledge they may still retain. Which I believe is just common sense and would save time and mistakes. Instead, their attitude has been "let's reinvent everything" always ending in confusion and chaos.

BTW, the "new directors wholly lacking in any historical knowledge" comment excludes Ruth Mizuba, Dist. 2 who has lived in the Park for a very long time, but her expertise and historical knowledge seems to pertain only to helping the Association get into a lawsuit resulting in receivership.

I'm not worried that I will lose my mailbox. Obviously the "mailbox fiasco plan" has not been thought through. HPPOA may have a plan to remove the current boxes, but they will need the cooperation of USPS. Is USPS going to allow the boxes to be removed/taken out of service without making sure that all occupants are relocated? I doubt it, because it would mean an increase in general delivery that Keaau/Pahoa Post Offices would have to deal with, not to mention complaints and even potential lawsuits.

The only thing this latest tangent has done is it has made it clear that the project needs more planning, and that there are more things to consider than originally thought.
Is USPS going to allow the boxes to be removed/taken out of service

Maybe ask USPS instead of posting in a forum?
Indeed, it seems like this whole project is based on assumptions, with no communication with the people in charge.

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