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Rat Lungworm on organic farms debate renews
Leilanidude, You are one the chronic offenders, and one of the most annoying ones.

For months now I have made it a policy to try avoid your posts, yet still you persist in seeking out my posts for your tedious and uninformed criticism. Look in the mirror.

And if you see a thread I created, remember there is no compelling reason for you to be there....
Originally posted by kalakoa

Cats carry toxoplasmosis

Toxoplasmosis is actually far more interesting than previously thought:

That explains a lot. The Clintons had a cat in the white house.
From Eric: the best way to avoid keyboard warriors is not to take the bait. Some will just argue for sport.

Appreciate your honest comment, but sorry I am one who enjoys the exchange with some keyboard warriors. HOTPE and I agree to disagree. We do fine.

(Other posters I do not not do fine with.)

Again, I understand the sensitivities on issues like the helicopters and do not put out what I consider insincere or unreasonable opinions.

Originally posted by MarkD

Leilanidude, You are one the chronic offenders, and one of the most annoying ones.

For months now I have made it a policy to try avoid your posts, yet still you persist in seeking out my posts for your tedious and uninformed criticism. Look in the mirror.

And if you see a thread I created, remember there is no compelling reason for you to be there....

I am happy you see it that way. What is your compelling reason to be here, annoying so many people with your smug and arrogant posts?
Leilanidude, you get the last word. Continue on if you wish....
Get a room you two!
He writes so much but says so little. Don't worry, I'm sure we can guess what your opinion is on the elitist telescopes.
Thank you for not sharing it with us.

Those darn typos are back again, you might want to try reading before posting if you want to avoid them.
Maybe Hotpe is a lumberjack and he's okay.

Although I occasionally wore a checkered flannel shirt as I wielded my chainsaw to cut down trees, I can assure you (and I hope without too much disappointment) that I at no time would "wear high heels, Suspendies, and a bra."

But back to rats. The location of my farm was in some ways like Hawaii, with micro-climates and distinct environmental zones. One side of the river had rattlesnakes for instance, the other did not. One side of the river encouraged the growth of maple trees, my side had mostly oak and birch (with occasional infiltrators along the edge of the forests.) I had over 180 frost free days on the ridge top, while neighbors down the road in the valley had only 90 frost free days, as cold air sinks. My ridge was rat-free, although I never knew why and have to admit, never really though about it until now. Oh, we did have wild turkeys too.

I'll take the rats here in Hawaii though. I was happy to leave behind those 30 below zero nights.

The Donner Party really wasn't that great of a party, was it?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
[quote]Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

Maybe Hotpe is a lumberjack and he's okay.

Although I occasionally wore a checkered flannel shirt as I wielded my chainsaw to cut down trees, I can assure you (and I hope without too much disappointment) that I at no time would "wear high heels, Suspendies, and a bra."

But back to rats. The location of my farm was in some ways like Hawaii, with micro-climates and distinct environmental zones. One side of the river had rattlesnakes for instance, the other did not. One side of the river encouraged the growth of maple trees, my side had mostly oak and birch (with occasional infiltrators along the edge of the forests.) I had over 180 frost free days on the ridge top, while neighbors down the road in the valley had only 90 frost free days, as cold air sinks. My ridge was rat-free, although I never knew why and have to admit, never really though about it until now. Oh, we did have wild turkeys too.

I'll take the rats here in Hawaii though. I was happy to leave behind those 30 below zero nights.

The Donner Party really wasn't that great of a party, was it?

This video show how good swimmers rats are and most of us know how well they can climb aboard logs and rubbish in the waters.
To not have rats on the other side of the river,creek etc is again hard to believe. Fess up the truth.
So mice and woodchucks were normal yet the rats were special ed?
This video is worth watching. Swimming ability starts around 2:25 but watching the whole thing is worthwhile.

I may have digressed a wee bit.
Slow Walker
rats were special ed?

I didn't say there were rats on one side of the river and not the other. I have no idea where the nearest rats lived.

I don't know if you remember the discussion a few months ago about the prevalence of slugs and snails on one of the rat lungworm threads? Some posted they could pick them up by the bucket load. I started posting when I saw one or more, and asked others to do so too, so we could get an idea from current observation and not memory. I don't think anyone said they found a bucket load in real time. I saw maybe two slugs/snails a week.

When I lived at 4000' altitude on Maui I never saw a mosquito around my house. They certainly lived lower down the mountain. They could fly. But they didn't fly up to my house.

PS. I didn't have any cockroaches on that mainland farm either. I know they had them 80 miles away in the city.
Is it too much to believe in a Shangri-la without rats and roaches?

“People make mistakes in life through believing too much, but they have a damned dull time if they believe too little.”
#8213; James Hilton, Lost Horizon

The Donner Party really wasn't that great of a party, was it?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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