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Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway
Originally posted by Jeremy Lutes

The "reason" stated for infringing on your lifestyle (read "freedom") are always LIES and merely PRETENSE!!!! Wake up, Sheeple.

Welcome back Open-D. It seems your time away has not improved your argumentation skills.

You want to talk about infringments on lifestyle (freedom) ? What about your freedom to breathe clean air, drink clean water, swim or fish in clean lakes and streams ? That freedom has already been taken away by big AG and its use of glyphosate (among others). They didn't ask you, yet you are being exposed to the chemicals they use. Where's the outrage now ?

You're tilting at windmills again.
Classic deflection: Why worry about problem X ? Problem Y is much more important !

Stop infringing my right to worry about what I want to worry about !

(there must be a new Monty Python skit in here somewhere Wink
Stop infringing my right to worry about what I want to worry about !

You are correct: it's your right to ruin your life as you see fit. My apologies.
Originally posted by kalakoa

What about your freedom to breathe clean air, drink clean water

Climate change is destroying the environment faster than chemicals, maybe start there?

Climate change is a natural process that has been going on since there was a climate. 20,000 years ago, NYC was covered by a sheet of ice hundreds if not thousands of feet thick. Mammoths roamed in SoCal. "Man-Made" climate change is another bogeyman intended to provide pretense to steal your rights and freedom from you bit-by-bit.
"Man-Made" climate change is another bogeyman intended to provide pretense to steal your rights and freedom from you bit-by-bit.

You forgot to factor in the Second Coming of Christ, because He will lead us into Paradise.
Originally posted by Jeremy Lutes

The "reason" stated for infringing on your lifestyle (read "freedom") are always LIES and merely PRETENSE!!!! Wake up, Sheeple.

Welcome back Open-D. It seems your time away has not improved your argumentation skills.

You want to talk about infringments on lifestyle (freedom) ? What about your freedom to breathe clean air, drink clean water, swim or fish in clean lakes and streams ? That freedom has already been taken away by big AG and its use of glyphosate (among others). They didn't ask you, yet you are being exposed to the chemicals they use. Where's the outrage now ?

you do NOT have the right demand that the world be perfect, and that is a big part of you problem. No such right ever existed, or ever will. Life under such a mandate is impossible.
You folks are wandering off the farm again. Keep it Hawaii please.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Keep up your childish insults EW, just shows what a weak position you're in.

Jahson, you think GMO is an important factor to label but the lefthandedness of the harvester isn't. But based on what? Neither make the product less healthy. Labels should contain useful information only. If we include useless information then there's not enough room. You have to draw the line somewhere. Sure, some people feel really really strongly about GMO. But some people feel strongly about other stuff too. Some manufacturers are doing a great business labeling everything non-GMO and raising the price, good for them.

Keeping it Hawaii: anyone know what the farmers in Hawaii think about you people wanting to ban their main weedkiller? I hope it's printable.
Originally posted by PaulW

Keep up your childish insults EW, just shows what a weak position you're in.
So says the ultimate... king of insults! Ha ha ha it's a rainy day! Oh boy!
Still avoiding that coastal road, glindakine? Man, that made me laugh! Thanks.

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