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Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway
Back in Salem MA in the 1690s some women and children were judged by their peers to be witches and were burned at the stake.

Enough said.
This thread is Roundup Ready !

Open-D, if you could point out where I demanded anything, let alone that the world be perfect, I'd be obliged, because otherwise your fine tirade comes across as an argument the since the world can never be perfect, we should just not make any attempt to better our lot in it.

More generally: If anything, I plead guilty of trying to encourage a little logical consistency in the "arguments" playing out in this thread, without which it is nothing more than pounding of chests and hurling of scary grunts. How naive of me. Turns out this is a Monty Python sketch - "This isn't an argument, it's just contradiction !"

More to the topic - Once again, here's an interview (transcript) with the lawyer who argued the recent case against Monsanto. If you're not afraid of having your faith challenged, it's about a 10 minute read: Personally, make me distrust anything that comes out of Monsanto's mouth (and labs).

But, y'know, whatever. I guess it's more fun to beat chests and make scary noises.
more fun to beat chests and make scary noises

Don't forget the racism and personal attacks, these always make the argument more compelling.
Apparently Roundup is not only safe and nutritious, it’s magically delicious.

Ad nauseum.
more fun to beat chests and make scary noises

For people who sit at their keyboard a good part of the day, that's also known as exercise. The full benefits of the program become apparent when the intensity and duration of their work-out-burst clean the Cheetos dust off the desk. Or coffee table. The daily burn.

“What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.” - President Donald J. Trump, 7/25/18
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Originally posted by Jeremy Lutes

This thread is Roundup Ready !

Open-D, if you could point out where I demanded anything[/i], let alone that the world be perfect, I'd be obliged, because otherwise your fine tirade comes across as an argument the since the world can never be perfect, we should just not make any attempt to better our lot in it.

More generally: If anything, I plead guilty of trying to encourage a little logical consistency in the "arguments" playing out in this thread, without which it is nothing more than pounding of chests and hurling of scary grunts. How naive of me. Turns out this is a Monty Python sketch - "This isn't an argument, it's just contradiction !"

More to the topic - Once again, here's an interview (transcript) with the lawyer who argued the recent case against Monsanto. If you're not afraid of having your faith challenged, it's about a 10 minute read: Personally, make me distrust anything that comes out of Monsanto's mouth (and labs).

But, y'know, whatever. I guess it's more fun to beat chests and make scary noises.

Roundup, GMO and other modern agricultural chemicals and practices ARE making the world better, MUCH better.

You are free to swim, breath and drink. Nobody and nothing are stopping you from doing so.

Your statement infers your demand:

[i]What about your freedom to breathe clean air, drink clean water, swim or fish in clean lakes and streams ? That freedom has already been taken away by big AG and its use of glyphosate (among others). They didn't ask you, yet you are being exposed to the chemicals they use. Where's the outrage now ?
"Roundup, GMO and other modern agricultural chemicals and practices ARE making the world better, MUCH better."

Not disputing your statement, and not disputing the anti-lableing positions. However, I still don't understand why the companies DON'T WANT IT ON THEIR LABELS. If these things are really "making the world better, much better" I would think they would be proud to put the announcement into a big starburst on the front of the package like was done in days past. Voluntarily, and purposefully, as an advertising and promotional move. NEW, IMPROVED. NOW MADE WITH GMO CORN AND GLYPHOSATE. I brought this up before, no response. Please tell me why they would rather spend millions to keep it off their labels than boast about how their innovations are improving conditions across the planet.
I could start a new thread, but I'm rooting for rainyjim's 22 page prediction.
If you prefer your anti-Monsanto anti-herbicide opinion with a dose of science, statistics, and facts, then read this:

America’s two biggest independent seed sellers, Beck’s Hybrids and Stine Seed, told Reuters they are pushing U.S. environmental regulators to bar farmers from spraying dicamba weed killer during upcoming summers in a potential blow to Bayer AG’s Monsanto Co.

Last summer, after farmers planted Monsanto’s dicamba-resistant soy seeds en masse, the herbicide drifted onto nearby farms and damaged an estimated 3.6 million acres of non-resistant soybeans, or 4 percent of all U.S. plantings.

U.S. seed sellers push for limits on Monsanto

In Hawaii dicamba is not only unregulated, but sold over the counter:

But good luck finding out if the herbicide is even being used on farms in Hawaii, where the state doesn’t regulate dicamba. “It’s not a restricted use pesticide,” said Janelle Saneishi, a spokeswoman for the Hawaii Department of Agriculture. “You can get it over the counter.”
It appears Monsanto has used dicamba on GMO soybeans in Hawaii, but the company wouldn’t say how much and when.

“What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.” - President Donald J. Trump, 7/25/18
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
What about your freedom to breathe clean air

HELCO burns bunker oil to make electricity, thereby infringing on my "freedom to breathe clean air" even though I personally am off-grid.

Bickering gets us nowhere.
Originally posted by My 2 cents

"Roundup, GMO and other modern agricultural chemicals and practices ARE making the world better, MUCH better."

Not disputing your statement, and not disputing the anti-lableing positions. However, I still don't understand why the companies DON'T WANT IT ON THEIR LABELS. If these things are really "making the world better, much better" I would think they would be proud to put the announcement into a big starburst on the front of the package like was done in days past. Voluntarily, and purposefully, as an advertising and promotional move. NEW, IMPROVED. NOW MADE WITH GMO CORN AND GLYPHOSATE. I brought this up before, no response. Please tell me why they would rather spend millions to keep it off their labels than boast about how their innovations are improving conditions across the planet.


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