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razor grass?
We have a couple fairly small patches of this stuff. I wonder if a small hand sickle might work well? This stuff is nasty to handle even with gloves on. Japanese sickle?

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
I mow that crap in the easement down to the nubs, it always comes right back. Other than herbicides or burning the only thing I can think of is to dig it out or try staving it of sunlight.
Hi birdmove. Razor grass actually isn't that bad compared to some of the other weeds. It likes to grow in wet areas.

It stands no chance against a weedwhacker. Also it isn't that aggressive in it's comeback after you rid it. If you wear gloves it pulls out easy. In fact if you go in with gloves, pants and long sleeves it can't hurt you at all.

I cover it with black plastic and rocks sometimes and that works well. It isn't like cane grass and some of the others that will rip right through the plastic and regrow.

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