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Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway
Thanks for those Jeremy - some interesting examples of how motivated bias (and the lack of replicating results) can undercut the scientific process as a whole.

At least this thread has shown one thing to be true: rainyjim was clearly wrong - he thought we could only do 22 pages. Buwhahahaha!
Indeed Ironyak, and perspective is everything. As I was the only one to issue a guess on length, my guess was the closest so I was right - lol ; )
Most people don't worry about Roundup until they get older and get the usual assortment of pains and periodic unexpected feelings, including lethargy, that arrive when you reach your mid-50s.

And then you wonder if.....

There's also concern about chemical bisphenol A (BPA) leaching out of the water bottles we all drink. And many other chemicals in the environment.

The reality is probably that each human can tolerate a certain amount the chemicals and the harm of each comes when it has reached a cumulative level in your body. And typical this coincides with you reaching your 50s and 60s, the onset of age-related decline.

When and how such chemicals might give rise to cancer is still an open question.

When I was in my 20s I used all sorts of chemicals with little care about wearing masks and other proper use. Now I try to limit use. Better yet, hire a young guy....
Originally posted by AaronM

No one here gets out alive

More bad news for Roundup:

"The controversial herbicide Roundup has been accused of causing cancer in humans and now scientists in Texas argue that the world's most popular weed killer could be partly responsible for killing off bee populations around the world."

And typical this coincides with you reaching your 50s and 60s, the onset of age-related decline.
75+ years ago, before Roundup... people routinely died at age 50....
Can someone apply Roundup to this thread?
the world's most popular weed killer could be partly responsible for killing off bee populations around the world."

None of this is surprising.

Spraying a poison that we don't know enough about.
Same old stupid story. Keep on spraying you dolts.
Hey EW, can you update us on the current status of the court case? Did Bayer payout damages to the plaintiff(s)? Have any medical doctors concluded their patients cancer was caused by RoundUp / glyphosate?

First of all Jim, let me say I appreciate the polite reply instead of the condescending remarks I'm used to here.

Haven't heard much about the appeal. I'm guessing no news means no appeal- yet. Monsanto lost the case and nothing more to add to that.

As far as other cases go against the chemical giants Monsanto/Bayer:

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