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Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway
why is this lame fear mongering farce of a post still on here????? is it Puna related... NO!

its one fear mongering punatics opinion on a single case that was tried by jurors who were obviously biased because they are NOT experts in any science field, let alone know Monsanto has been around for 117 yrs now and also make LED lights etc...... etc.


There is limited evidence human cancer risk might increase as a result of occupational exposure to large amounts of glyphosate, such as agricultural work, but no good evidence of such a risk from home use, such as in domestic gardening.[85] A 2014 review article reported a significant association between B-cell lymphoma and glyphosate occupational exposure.[11] In March 2015, the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer classified glyphosate as "probably carcinogenic in humans" (category 2A) based on epidemiological studies, animal studies, and in vitro studies.[9][12][13] However, in 2015 a group of scientific experts who were asked to evaluate the IARC report expressed a variety of concerns about its reliability.[86] In 2016 a joint meeting of the United Nations (FAO) Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment and the World Health Organization Core Assessment Group on Pesticide Residues reported that studies conducted in mammal animal models showed that oral applications of glyphosate at doses as high as 2000 mg/kg was not "associated with genotoxic effects in an overwhelming majority of studies", and that glyphosate was "unlikely to be genotoxic at anticipated dietary exposures". It also reported that glyphosate is unlikely to be carcinogenic in rodents and concluded that glyphosate was "unlikely to pose a carcinogenic risk to humans from exposure through the diet".[87]:p. 2 In September 2016, a systematic review no support in the epidemiologic literature for a causal relationship between glyphosate exposure and the risk of non-Hodgkins lymphoma or of multiple myeloma..."

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
Elysian, you need to take a step back, and use common sense here, if you have any... Glyphosate was first synthed ca68 yrs ago.. RU has been on the market for ca44 yrs now... on average we HUMANS live to be over 80 yrs old today.. the yr before Monsanto became a company, the average life expectancy was 31 yrs old.. so weve gained 50+ yrs of LIFE within the Era Monsanto has been a company... so IF they are trying to poison us to DEATH, like all of you pickleheaded kooks ALWAYS Believe... doesnt your common sense tell you they sure aint good at it!
glyphosate is in your body temporarily BECAUSE its in you intestines temporarily via veggies... its not IN your Body...

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
so IF they are trying to poison us to DEATH, like all of you pickleheaded kooks ALWAYS Believe...doesnt your common sense tell you they sure aint good at it!
LOL ! That goes for those that believe in chem-trails, too...
When I had cancer it gave me a slightly different look at all this. At that time I was going in every two weeks for a mixture of 4 chemo drugs dripped right into my heart via a nice little tube in my chest. Space for us chemo patients was limited before the new cancer wing was built from a donation by Conoco Phillips. Every two weeks I spent a couple hours with the others getting their treatments. At first I liked their company but as they died one by one I veered off to going in way early.
We talked about our strategies and what could have caused our cancers.
When I got healthy again and went back into industry again I quickly realized what a catastrophic mess we have going on. I am absolutely not ignorant after working in: steel mills, chemical plants, pulp and paper mills, a wide range of petrochemical facilities etc. and all the attendant safety meetings and so on.
It is what it is and Death stalks us all but I wont defend what we have done and continue to do to ourselves and the awesome variety of the planet we all share.
Originally posted by leilanidude

so IF they are trying to poison us to DEATH, like all of you pickleheaded kooks ALWAYS Believe...doesnt your common sense tell you they sure aint good at it!
LOL ! That goes for those that believe in chem-trails, too...

Are you saying Chem-Trails aren't real?????

Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance
Originally posted by ElysianWort

And as I mentioned so many times before:

The chemical has been deemed safe and info released to public however, it should be noted the studies were by the companies own scientists- on the Monsanto payroll.

Corporate assurances of safety leave out one important word — a word that is critically important to anyone who wants to make an informed decision about the cancer risk associated with Roundup and the hundreds of other glyphosate-based herbicides on the market. That word is “independent,” as in “independent scientific studies and reviews.”

As was laid out in the trial, there is a wealth of evidence, much of it from within Monsanto’s own internal documents, detailing how much of the research suggesting that Roundup is safe has been orchestrated and/or influenced by Monsanto and its chemical industry allies.
But truly independent research has shown that there is reason for concern. As Roundup use on U.S. farms, residential lawns and gardens has soared from roughly 40 million pounds a year in the 1990s to nearly 300 million pounds in recent years, the dangers of the chemical have been documented in numerous peer-reviewed studies.

It was those independent and peer-reviewed works that convinced the cancer research arm of the World Health Organization to determine that glyphosate is a probable human carcinogen. In the wake of that WHO finding, California added glyphosate to the state’s list of cancer-causing chemicals.
Monsanto’s response to that 2015 classification was more manipulated science. An “independent review” of glyphosate showed up in a peer-reviewed scientific journal decrying the IARC classification. The review not only was titled as being independent, but declared that no Monsanto employee had any involvement in the writing of it.Yet the company’s internal emails, turned over in discovery associated with the litigation, revealed that a Monsanto scientist in fact aggressively edited and reviewed the analysis prior to its publication.

That was but one of multiple examples detailed in the unsealed documents of similar efforts, referred to by Monsanto’s own employees as “ghostwriting.”

The EPA has sided with Monsanto over independent scientists, declaring the pesticide is not likely to cause cancer. By doing so, the agency has ignored the fact that its own Office of Research and Development expressed unease with the EPA’s handling of the glyphosate evaluation, as did a scientific advisory panel convened by the agency to peer-review the evaluation.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the trial evidence also included communications detailing what can only be described as cozy collaborations between Monsanto and certain EPA officials.

In my observations, companies like Monsanto develop products that do, say 100 units of good for mankind, with 5 units of bad from "side effects" etc., resulting in a net of 95 units of good. Instead of looking at the vastly-overwhelming amount of good they do, people focus exclusively on the trifling amount of harm that goes along with the good. Moronic thinking, IMHO.

Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance
If u assume 95% good came from monsanto round up,thats kinda like 95 % good came from
Agent orange in vietnam as it did defoliate the landscape it was sprayed on.poison is poison. And now we find refined sugar is even
What will we find out tomoro?

Dan D

Originally posted by dan d

If u assume 95% good came from monsanto round up,thats kinda like 95 % good came from
Agent orange in vietnam as it did defoliate the landscape it was sprayed on.poison is poison. And now we find refined sugar is even
What will we find out tomoro?

Dan D

That all this hysteria is just that.

Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance
Judge may throw out Round Up case due to closing arguments by attorney who brought suit against Monsanto.

But Wisner’s closing arguments at trial irked the judge handling the case so profoundly that she’s considering tossing the verdict and ordering a new trial. The lawyer told jurors that Monsanto executives in a company board room were "waiting for the phone to ring" and that "behind them is a bunch of champagne on ice," according to a court filing. He said that “if the damages number isn’t significant enough, champagne corks will pop.”

"No one is such a LIAR as the indignant man." Beyond Good & Evil, 1886 - Friedrich Nietzsche
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Aint America great..

Yep.. with evil incarnate itself sitting in the oval office and making its number one priority putting sexual predators on the bench what can we expect.. judges that do whatever they want and the rest of us can...

And besides.. agra business walks on water.


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