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Um .. Rob ? For your review please.
I have been down with the flu this past week. Still not well. As to your question..

I am not trained or perhaps naturally inclined to be hall monitor at a middle school. That's what it gets like around here at times.
It's not personal really. I do have my limits though, when someone ends up taking up my time excessively and needlessly they tend to get the boot.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Sorry Rob. If you were in the middle of it I would say boost your immune system with astragalus root and echinacea tea.

If you're towards the end of the flu cycle be sure to hydrate with lots of clear liquids. Maybe nourish with chicken soup?

Hope you feel better soon.
Mahalo Rob, i can see how u missed it.

When one does not understand, cannot keep up or is losing an argument on an intellectual level, resorts to petty condescension, creating a false point they believe the person is implying and argues THAT, not the actual or as witnessed point and then simply ' scatters the board' and resorts to name calling then yea, its middleschool.

Mearly pointing out that certain folks here tend to get away with this more than others ..yeah yeah life not fair. So grow up and stop the childish name calling. Agreed, only 1.5 person does this here.

Oh an paul, the one who wrote he doesn't want me posting on his threads.


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