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Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway
I used the recommended precautions.

I’m curious, what are the recommendations for consumption? Is there an established daily allowance?

Edited to add...

I ask this because of the wide variety of reports of glyphosate in our food supply. And yes, I am sure folks like Obie and Paul will jump up and down and make all sorts of noise about the quality of one report/study over another blah blah blah.. and I am not a chemist or one with any education in Roundup ready bodies, though I suspect humans were not designed to eat the stuff.

So, they have all sorts of regulations, all sorts of labels, all sorts of recommended daily allowances, and yet I doubt, please prove me wrong, that there is anybody that has stood up and said, hey it's ok for humans to eat so much glysophate. So how much is ok? How much is too much? What happens to us when were are exposed to the stuff continuously?

I have had a few instances where I was exposed excessively (agricultural type accident, covered in it) to the stuff and I have no idea how it may or may not have harmed me, other than how sick I was that day/night. But then I later came down with an extremely rare life altering condition that almost killed me. Was the one the cause of the other? Who's to say?

Regardless, there are reams of material pointing to studies that glyphosate is in our food... searching for that..

How many articles should I post links to?

So, if the stuff is in our food supply why would we NOT be concerned about how much is ok to ingest, how much is too much? It is obvious that somewhere, in some board room, in some government agency, folks have decided it is ok. After all, if we are to believe the studies, it is in a lot of the food on the selves.

So Obie, how much do you eat? Do you like the crunchy kine or the smooth?

I even saw a study that says the stuff is in our vaccines. Imagine that.

Originally posted by glinda

I used the recommended precautions.

I’m curious, what are the recommendations for consumption? Is there an established daily allowance?

Wow, Glinda's Trump derangement syndrome has gotten so severe that he has become completely irrational.
Originally posted by Obie

Back in the 80's I restored cars as a hobby. I used to do my own painting and the hardener had this warning :

"Causes Cancer "

I still used it and I'm still alive !!

I used the recommended precautions.

Yup lots of dangerous chemicals out there that are potentially dangerous when not used as directed on the label. Point taken Obie.

Roundup presents a different problem because you aren't eating paint hardening residue. On the contrary you are eating small amounts of the Roundup in which it's residue is now widespread throughout our non-organic food. It's not listed on the packaging ingredients either.

Bottom line when the chemicals involve our food, there should be more precautions, limitations and considerations taken than those taken in your common paint hardening chemicals. That seems like a "no-brainer" to me.
All this hub bub about roundup and its dangers. The U.S. Can put all the restrictions, ban it in our Country and make Monsanto pay out pennies to the individual that has contracted non Hodgkin's lymphoma.
What difference does it make when over half our produce comes from Mexico?

Community begins with Aloha
I ask this because of the wide variety of reports of glyphosate in our food supply. A
you are eating small amounts of the Roundup in which it's residue

I’ve mentioned this earlier in the discussion, but most organic food is also non-GMO, meaning the corn and soybeans contained in the product are not Roundup Ready. So if you by organic there should be no Roundup residue in your food or in the food supply from which you purchase, farm to store.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

Is it the case that you think that the EPA and FDA forgot to test glyphosate for the effects of being eaten (at realistic levels of contamination, not being drunk straight), assuming that the tests for huffing paint thinner would work just as well? Otherwise I see no point in mentioning the difference other than to muddy the water. It goes without saying that the test methods need to be relevant otherwise the test results are meaningless.

Obie: To be fair, your experience is anecdotal.
"how sick I was that day/night"
Personal experience trumps scientific evidence, how orange of you.

"I even saw a study that says the stuff is in our vaccines. Imagine that."
More echoing of the Tanned One.

Have you found a study saying that ingesting minuscule amounts of Roundup is dangerous? I haven't. The poison is in the dosage.
"I even saw a study that says the stuff is in our vaccines."

This should alleviate all of your fears. Now when you get your flu vaccination you will get the added bonus of being "Roundup ready".
ingesting minuscule amounts of Roundup

Since we are ingesting.. seemingly continuously.. small amounts of roundup I suppose the question of how our bodies deal with it is a reasonable one. I bring this up because of prior experiences with a herbicide that the body can not process, a liquid the body thinks should be eliminated through the lungs that once there is unable to be exhaled so accumulates. That is what our bodies do with paraquat, which kills those who ingest too much by destroying the lungs. Obviously this isn’t an overwhelming concern with glyphosate. But still how our bodies process it, and whether that puts a strain on one organ or another, would be interesting to know. Especially since we all are eating the stuff.
Since we are ingesting.. seemingly continuously.. small amounts of roundup
Especially since we all are eating the stuff.

Not if you’re eating organic (see above)
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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