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Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway
I suspect the sugar content of Cheerios is a much bigger health threat than glysophate...

Tobacco use to be all the rage. Anyone that was anyone smoked the stuff. I imagine the ridicule currently used to dis concerns about Roundup is like the ridicule used to dis those that spoke out against tobacco back in the day. Back then even “scientists” that smoked would abandon scientific principles in place of their subjective opinions. Sounds familiar, eh?
I imagine the ridicule currently used to dis concerns about Roundup is like the ridicule ... against tobacco back in the day...Sounds familiar, eh?

Did I miss something? Was there a Surgeon General’s Report on Roundup?
Because the big turning point in our awareness of the dangers from cigarette smoking happened when that report was issued in 1964. 55 years later and cigarettes are still available to the public.

As our discussion about Roundup continues for another 55 years, I wonder if anyone here will have changed their mind by 2074?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Poor analogy, glindakine, many ridiculous health scares are rightly met with derision.
Ridicule isn’t a sign that something should be taken seriously.
They laughed at Copernicus but they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.
But surely, if not the ruse played us by big tobacco, one could draw examples from big oil, from the whole climate deniers stock in trade, lie, plead innocence, whatever, stonewall and the whole world will bend your way. Now that the truth is no longer essential to the discussion who cares? Monsanto can walk on water, so say the “scientists.” Well at least their scientists. And who’s to say they are wrong?
The truth doesn't really matter here. The lawyers will push Monsanto into bankruptcy unless they halt producing glyphosate.

If the lawyers can produce some evidence their side is correct--and some scientists will attest to almost anything (hired as expert testimony by the lawyers)--they will win. A series of large lawsuits. Last month California saw a $2 billion award.
I’m curious if anyone has any information about if Bayer (Monsanto no longer exists) has actually paid any of the (claimed) damages? A jury assigning a dollar amount means little, with appeals / etc.
Glinda wrote:

"Tobacco use to be all the rage. Anyone that was anyone smoked the stuff. I imagine the ridicule currently used to dis concerns about Roundup is like the ridicule used to dis those that spoke out against tobacco back in the day. Back then even “scientists” that smoked would abandon scientific principles in place of their subjective opinions. Sounds familiar, eh?"

Talk about a straw man. You are aware of the dangers of excess sugar in your diet, aren't you? It's well-studied and am surprised you don't seem concerned about it. Diabetes is a big problem in Hawaii and excess sugar in our diet is likely to blame. My opinion is that it's a bigger threat to our health than glysophate. If you have scientific studies to counter my opinion, please cite them.
A jury assigning a dollar amount means little, with appeals / etc.

I don't think there has been or will be any successful appeals. All I see up to this point is more and more law suits adding up vs. Monsanto/Bayer surrounding the issue of carcinogenic Roundup.
"I don't think there has been or will be any successful appeals."

I wonder what you will say when this inevitably happens. Two billion dollars, it's ridiculous.
The WHO agency that started all of this edited their final results to eliminate scientific proof that differed with their final opinion.

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