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Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway
Are you against all pesticides only on the Internet? If they are as bad as you claim why haven’t you done any work in the real world to get people to realize the worlds top academic institutions know less than you?
Originally posted by rainyjim

Are you against all pesticides only on the Internet? If they are as bad as you claim why haven’t you done any work in the real world to get people to realize the worlds top academic institutions know less than you?

Shame on you Rainyjim: didn't you know that all academic institutions are also in on the plot to destroy life as we know it??? how could you overlook such an obvious fact?
A page or two back, I posted the amount Hawaii County paid in claims for lawn maintenance injuries over the past 5 years. I don't believe there have been any responses from the anti-Roundup people, and since power lawn equipment is the main alternative to herbicides, I wonder, do we just ignore the inherent danger in power lawn equipment?

You can go online and see how many injuries are caused every year. Lawn mowers also emit more pollutants than a car as there are no emission standards in place. And yet... do I detect from people who are against herbicides, homeowners who may use or own a weedeater, a blissful indifference to power lawn machinery, a Silent String slicing through all in it's path at 1000 rpm?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
HOTPE: The majority of people know lawnmowers are dangerous. Therein lies the difference. I think you knew this though.

SoggyJim: What good did these top institutions do when the government decided to spray agent orange over southeast Asia. Truth is scientist get paid to cover sh*t up and hide truth all the time. Especially when the funding for the scientists is controlled by the proponents/ procucers of the chemicals.

I grow weary of your attempts to drag this on.
If you were to look on the back of all these scientists necks carefully would you find a zipper carefully secreted underneath their hair? If you were to pull the zipper would you you find a green skinned lizard man?

I guess my last question to you is, do you make this stuff up before or after you put your tinfoil hat on?
The majority of people know lawnmowers are dangerous. Therein lies the difference.

I think most people know herbicides are dangerous too, don’t they? I’ll defend the use of Roundup, with the expectation that it’s used according to directions. Just as I’d expect the owner of a lawn mower to use common sense.

I spray Roundup 3 or 4 times a year, and wear long pants, boots, & a mask. But I won’t use toxic* aerosol cleaning agents in my home, where the tiny spray particles can float in the air for long periods of time, trapped in a room, and breathed into the lungs. That’s far more toxic and dangerous than Roundup, because if you read the directions for Roundup application, it specifically states you should spray in small droplets, not a mist, which reduces herbicide drift, keeping it close to the ground, and less likely to be inhaled. I still wear a mask.

* read the labels. Compare the ingredients in household cleaning products to their affects on human health. Especially in an atomized, aerosol dispersement into the air you breath. Pour on applications of liquid cleaners, furniture polish, air “fresheners” also evaporate into airborne particles. That’s why you smell them. Even with my (according to some) defective olfactory.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Bags of compressed wood pellets carry the admonition that they are known to the state of California to cause cancer. Just sayin'.

Gave up snorting them anyway. The high just isn't what it used to be.
We have something much more dangerous and ubiquitous in Hawaii. Many people have died from it and yet nothing has been done to stop its use. Some have even renounced using it via the usual sources but produce their own version yet it is still a killer. Why isn't more attention being paid to it?

Yes, ban electricity. It's a known killer of both plant and animal life.

Never tried to sniff it though...

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