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$50 Low Income Internet Subsidy Approved
This may help some families in Puna, especially those with kids who rely on  distance learning:

The Federal Communications Commission on Thursday approved final rules for a new broadband subsidy program that could help struggling families pay for internet service during the pandemic.

The agency's $3.2 billion Emergency Broadband Benefit Program provides eligible low-income households with up to a $50 per month credit on their internet bills through their provider until the end of the pandemic.
I know the pandemic will officially go on for a while, but this seems awfully late when some kids have been out of school almost a year now. Why didn't they think of this last March?
Why didn't they think of this last March?

Maybe they just recovered from injecting themselves with bleach?
Why didn't they think of this last March?

Last year, bailouts and subsidies were only available to corporations and wealthy individuals.

This year, regular people qualify.

Sadly, a $50 subsidy won't result in more broadband coverage.

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