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Property Tax Assessment
Got the county's latest valuation of my HPP home today, and I was surprised that is had actually gone down, albeit only $200.  Everything I've read about the real estate market in the last eight months has described rapid appreciation and a sellers' market on the Big Island, including Puna.  In the past, I've thought the county's valuation to be pretty accurate.  I'm not complaining, mind you, just wondering what's up.
My land value remained the same, but my house went up $17,500. 
Go figure.
I'm afraid to check my mail. It was going up $5k per year every year for 6 years before the mainland invasion.
Chunkster, which column or line are you reading ?

My market value went up $3000.00 but my taxable value dropped $140,000.00 because my homeowners exemption kicked in.
Obie, thanks for making me take another look. Initially, I was looking at the total "market value," and it did drop $200 from last year. But what they tax on is assessed value less exemption, and the net taxable value somehow went up $4400 while the market value went down. That doesn't make sense, but it probably isn't worth appealing.

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