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HPP General Membership Meeting Sept 4, 2021
(08-11-2021, 03:41 AM)AaronM Wrote: You mean squabbling over road maintenance, cell towers, and who is on what committee?  That affects 100% of the landowners in HPP.  Mainly because it's hilarious stuff.

BTW, where's Obie?  I thought he never missed an HPP discussion.

Just curious, but have you had your eyesight tested recently?
Apparently not! My apologies Obie.
HPP's population according to yesterday's Census data release is 14,957 which almost 30% more than 2010. This could well be an undercount because of Covid and the usual government avoidant types. (I know of two families who intentionally dodged the census takers in my middle class neighborhood.) Considering the likely undercount and the increased delivery traffic due to Covid, I think I can safely say that the traffic on our roads has gone up at least 30%.

And yet somehow my 20 years experience as a property owner in HPP tells me that my gravel road has been kept in way better than average condition for the past two years. Pig carcasses are routinely removed the day they are reported to the office, which is also a big improvement. This roughly coincides with the period that a loud group of dissidents have described as some sort of dictatorial destruction of the democratic process. All I can say is that democracy has never worked at the levels of participation we have in HPP, and the current regime is a big improvement over it.
ChunksterK, I totally agree.
A former member of this group was totally obstructing the improvements to our roads among other things.
Her gang was complaining that 1st was illegally paved. A bunch of stupid accusation but hey, We have another paved road.
Pig carcasses are routinely removed
gang was complaining that 1st was illegally paved.

Not much of a platform to run on, if the dissidents are looking for supporters:
Let’s bring HPP less paved roads, lined with more, older pig carcasses.
Been jousting with some of the dissidents on social media.

They insist the meeting will go on in spite of the Governor's order preventing a gathering that size.

I was told they cleared it with civil defense.
Interesting that a County Agency can overrule the Gov.

Covid super spreader right here in HPP we come !!
Obie, I don't do Facebook, so I'm not seeing the jousting. (Assuming that's where it is.) The statewide order is very clear that only religious meetings and pre-cleared professionally managed indoor events are allowed in excess of 10 persons indoors or 25 outdoors. Although some of these folks may be accurately described as fanatics, they don't qualify as a church. And somehow I doubt that they have hired a professional event organizer for this. If Civil Defense did somehow OK this, they have gone down another notch in my estimation. Anybody who knows anything about HPP knows that people tend to shout and literally get in each others' faces at these things. So yes, super spreader.
Covid super spreader right here in HPP we come !!
So yes, super spreader.

Two observations:
1) Isn't the current HPPOA in charge of the gate, the meeting space and overseeing current state regulations for a gathering on the property?
2) Future headline:
Sickened Survivors Who Organized Protest Meeting Sue HPPOA For Approving Meeting They Demanded & Held
Here is the agenda for their meeting. It is all things that have been settled but they are not happy. We need the cell tower. What is wrong with using association land to put up a tower that we will all benefit from. AT&T is paying a monthly fee. People living on lower Makuu will have better cell service.
Unauthorized land use for a road ? Isn't that what this association is about, the roads ?

Hawaiian Paradise Park Owners' Association

Special Membership Meeting Request
We the membership are submitting a written request for a special membership meeting, attached
are not fewer than 100 signatures of members in good standing as per:
ARTICLE Vll— MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS: Section 2. Special Meetings. A special
membership meeting may be called by a two-thirds vote of the board or by the written request of
not fewer than 100 members in good standing and shall be called by the secretary or an agent
directed to do so by the board. Special membership meetings must be held within 45 days of being
legally called. and notices must be mailed to members 30 days in advance of the meeting date. The
Administrative budget shall contain funds for a special membership meeting.

l. Call to Order
Attendance to determine Quorum
3. Approve Agenda
4. Dead End 17th Road Unauthorized HPPOA land use
5. AT&T Cell Tower Unauthorized HPPOA land use
a. "HRS 414D-149 General Standards for directors (e) A director shall not be deemed to be a
trustee with respect to the corporation or with respect to any property held or administered by
the corporation, including without limit. property that may be subject to restrictions Imposed by
the donor or transferer of the property
6. Review Membership’s Acts of the Association
7. Non transparency of HPPOA Members’ Money
a. Please refer to the HPPOA Bylaws on
'Board violations of Article V Ill Board of Directors Sec 8 Powers and Authority (m).
Article IX Sec 2 President (f), and Article X Il Administration Sec 3 Administrative
Requirements (l) 4.5 and 6. "
8. 2020 and 2021 District Election Issues
9. Owner Input
10. Motion to Adjourn Special Membership Meeting
Are you really able to predict the future? Let's not get carried away with this. The community room has good breezes and how many people will actually attend this meeting? Let's save "the sky is falling" for when we really need it-- which is considerably more often these days than it has been in the past.
Certainty will be the death of us.

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