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Vaccinated People Spread The Delta Variant, CDC Says
what some talking head on the tv tells you to think?

Versus some typing fool on social media without the ability or interest to fact check, and the millions who retweet and share?
(08-19-2021, 06:02 PM)MyManao Wrote:
(08-19-2021, 02:55 PM)kander Wrote: People that will never participate in an experimental injection..

See, what'd I tell ya, fear.

'Tis a shame we've allowed the so called 'conservatives' to undermine our educational system, eh?
that knife cuts both ways, considering that fear is driving many people into taking the shot no matter what risks may be associated with it.  Remember this same government is the same one that said there were WMD's in a country (and the news media harped endlessly on it) and that only caused 5 or so million people to die. If the govt had your well being in mind we would have free epi pens and insulin would not cost 1000 bux + a month. When it comes to profit, our lives mean exactly 0.
If the govt had your well being in mind we would have free epi pens and insulin would not cost 1000 bux + a month.

Yes, Medicare for all would be a good start in improving our healthcare system.
Kander, the pandemic is a known risk that has killed about 1.7% of recorded infections, and 0.19% of the population at large in the US.

357 Million people have taken vaccines in the US. Even if say 6000 VAERs records exist for people that died having taken a Covid vaccine at some point in the past, that's 0.0017%, two orders of magnitude or 100 times less than Covid. In reality, the majority of those deaths are likely unrelated to vaccination. The media is reporting various reactions as small as one in a million, so it's doubtful 17 in a million are dying and no legitimate medical or media outlet has noticed or reported on it.

Your fear of the vaccine is out of proportion to the evidence.
(08-19-2021, 06:20 PM)kander Wrote: The FDA is not going throw away years of safety methodology for an experimental injection without the years of safety data.. 

And there it is.. your lack of understanding, and subsequent fears, lies bare for all to see.


The science behind the new COVID-19 vaccines has not been rushed. In fact, these vaccines are building on decades of scientific research. 

The story involves hundreds of people all over the world and highlights the importance of fundamental and applied research. Advancements in our understanding of messenger RNA (mRNA) and its potential for use in medicines, along with the creation of new technologies over the last 30 years, made these vaccines possible. Recent research on coronaviruses, in particular, made these vaccines effective.
The pandemic is a known risk that has killed about 1.7% of recorded infections, and 0.19% of the population at large in the US.

These are not alarming numbers.

Not worth all the postponed medical procedures.

Not worth setting our school kids back a year or two.

Not worth all the lockdown related suicides, domestic violence, & child abuse.

Not worth bankrupting businesses.

Not worth spending trillions of dollars to rescue a needlessly ruined economy.

Not worth teaching the next generation that self sufficiency is overrated and that big government will pay your bills instead.

Not worth the current social climate of isolation and anxiety.

The cure has been exponentially worse than the disease.
(08-19-2021, 02:55 PM)kander Wrote:
(08-18-2021, 11:03 PM)sistersue Wrote: And my 2 cents is that people who don't get vaccinated think it won't happen to them - that they won't end up in the hospital.  There are also some that have had bad reactions to flu shots in the past so they're afraid of the covid shot.  Also, a lot of the unvaccinated just don't care about protecting others or are too lazy to go and get the shot.  The two times I caught covid were from my family members, not the grocery store.
No, thats not really true. People that will never participate in an experimental injection know fully well they could get sick and end up in the hospital. But the odds of such happening is very very low. the risk of death is also very low.

yes, some have had bad reactions to the injection, including death and permanent disability and damage.

You yourself caught the infection. did you die? It seems not. Was it a fun flu? No, its not the fun flu. Although the delta variant is a lot easier than the first go around. Likely because you and others that have had it now have natural immunity. And if you did get the injection, why did you catch it a 2nd time if the injection actually worked as intended. Best go get that 12th experimental booster shot... so gullible.

regardless of who you want to bitch about not doing their part. Some people will eventually fall to peer pressure to take the experiment. Some will never. When ADE starts kicking in this winter it will be quite interesting how they frame the people who did not take the injection as the cause of the injection dying regardless of the lifelong permanent arterial damage many of them will have from the spike protein overload. Some want to force onto everyone. What kind of sick twisted national socialist wants to force experimental treatment on everyone?


(08-19-2021, 05:13 AM)Rob Tucker Wrote: I am leaning toward an opinion that at any given moment a sizeable number of people have no idea what they are doing or why.
This is truth.
I caught the delta variant and had a VERY mild illness for a few days.  The people I caught it from were very sick for  weeks and had to go to the ER.  No one can convince me that I just lucked out and it wasn't the vaccine that I had last March that protected me.  I think Rob's statement that "a sizable number of people have no idea what they are doing or why" sums it all up in a nutshell!  I've just gone by what the doctors and scientists say and it has served me well all my life.

(08-19-2021, 11:01 PM)sistersue Wrote:
(08-19-2021, 02:55 PM)kander Wrote:
(08-18-2021, 11:03 PM)sistersue Wrote: And my 2 cents is that people who don't get vaccinated think it won't happen to them - that they won't end up in the hospital.  There are also some that have had bad reactions to flu shots in the past so they're afraid of the covid shot.  Also, a lot of the unvaccinated just don't care about protecting others or are too lazy to go and get the shot.  The two times I caught covid were from my family members, not the grocery store.
No, thats not really true. People that will never participate in an experimental injection know fully well they could get sick and end up in the hospital. But the odds of such happening is very very low. the risk of death is also very low.

yes, some have had bad reactions to the injection, including death and permanent disability and damage.

You yourself caught the infection. did you die? It seems not. Was it a fun flu? No, its not the fun flu. Although the delta variant is a lot easier than the first go around. Likely because you and others that have had it now have natural immunity. And if you did get the injection, why did you catch it a 2nd time if the injection actually worked as intended. Best go get that 12th experimental booster shot... so gullible.

regardless of who you want to bitch about not doing their part. Some people will eventually fall to peer pressure to take the experiment. Some will never. When ADE starts kicking in this winter it will be quite interesting how they frame the people who did not take the injection as the cause of the injection dying regardless of the lifelong permanent arterial damage many of them will have from the spike protein overload. Some want to force onto everyone. What kind of sick twisted national socialist wants to force experimental treatment on everyone?


(08-19-2021, 05:13 AM)Rob Tucker Wrote: I am leaning toward an opinion that at any given moment a sizeable number of people have no idea what they are doing or why.
This is truth.
I caught the delta variant and had a VERY mild illness for a few days.  The people I caught it from were very sick for  weeks and had to go to the ER.  No one can convince me that I just lucked out and it wasn't the vaccine that I had last March that protected me.  I think Rob's statement that "a sizable number of people have no idea what they are doing or why" sums it all up in a nutshell!  I've just gone by what the doctors and scientists say and it has served me well all my life.  Sistersue
(08-19-2021, 10:20 PM)AaronM Wrote: The pandemic is a known risk that has killed about 1.7% of recorded infections, and 0.19% of the population at large in the US.

These are not alarming numbers. 

Not worth all the postponed medical procedures.

Not worth setting our school kids back a year or two.

Not worth all the lockdown related suicides, domestic violence, & child abuse.

Not worth bankrupting businesses. 

Not worth spending trillions of dollars to rescue a needlessly ruined economy. 

Not worth teaching the next generation that self sufficiency is overrated and that big government will pay your bills instead. 

Not worth the current social climate of isolation and anxiety.

The cure has been exponentially worse than the disease.

All those things happened because we had no vaccine. We have a vaccine now which can prevent death, suffering, hospitals being overrun, and the shutdowns.

It's like you're punching yourself in the face and asking us to stop the bleeding.
"Not worth..." a government edict?

I suggest that vaccination is as much a psychological problem as it is a medical problem. As noted, I got vaccinated as soon as I could, because I thought it was the fastest way to get "back to normal", but instead, I'm stuck living with choices forced upon me by government overreaction to those who refuse to participate in the social compact. When "freedom" is used as a weapon, it becomes "tyranny" ... and here we are today.
If you haven't noticed, Lockdown 2.0 is beginning.

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