Driving home from the Hot Pond Thursday at Dusk we got hit by a huge Wild Pig. Happened just North of the Vacation land entrance.. Black Pig with dark Gray Spots, at least 150+ pounds just ran out in the road as we were passing it. Must of been on a suicide mission I think.
Hit us soo hard thought the Airbags were gonna deploy!!!
We were in the pitch black darkness trying to get the front bumper cover that was wedged under the front of the car removed so we could drive it home. Was sooo much mud on the front bumper and everywhere I had to touch was wet and slippery. Was really bizzare the ground was dry, but I didnt worry about it, just wanted to get to a phone and call the insurance company/police to file a report.
When we finally made it home and looked at the damage...
I noticed all that mud was actually pig Poooop!!!
That big Pig pooped on my car when I hit it!!!
OMG!!! I was covered in PIG CRAP!!!!
] LOL Was an ordeal I will not soon forget!!
I love our insurance company... parts are already ordered and the damage should be fixed by the end of next week.
Only caused $3052 worth of damage! [B)]
Could of been much worse as we had 3 young kids in the car.