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comparing neighborhoods
Newcomer Gary brought up an interesting question about comparing land so I thought I would put my response in a new thread. Gary ask about Seaview vs. Leilani. Funny thing is Gary, 5 years ago most people thought of Puna as a lawless, wreckless place and prefered to drive through in route to the Volcano. Even Hilo wasn't a desirable tourist destination. Wow, how things have changed. It used to be than not much land in all of Puna exceed $25K a plot so it was even harder to choose where to be. I have some literature from '99-01 I need to dig up and post the prices so some of you that are new to the East side can have heart attacks Smile Rising prices in Kona have driven a lot of people to the East side. There is a lot of sight unseen buying going on from folks sitting on the mainland with no clue of what they just bought. A lot of these folks will sell rather quickly after they make a few realistic visits to their property.

Leilani is a really nice neighborhood and you do get an acre. We used to have this fixation with having a private jungle lot where you could run naked up & down the property. Quit laughing - my husband really thought he could do this on an acre with no one caring. We had many agents mention how much work that jungle acre really is. Leilani does have CC&R which can work for & against you. Regardless of what folks say there are still drug bust, domestic violence, crazy dogs and unkempt houses in Leilani. Just not as much in other areas. It is just a few quick minutes to Pahoa village which is a plus when you need butter to finish cooking dinner. We stayed in a rental there a couple of years ago and I saw first hand what the jungle lot can do to your home. I never felt dry the whole time I was there. It seemed that powdery mildew covered everything. It was really gross between the sheets. I think a lot of it was this house we were in and it's lack of good air flow but I am sure this is a big problem there.

I like Seaview because of the aawesome view and the laid back atmosphere. A few years ago Seaview was kind of sketchy but it has cleaned up a lot. My lot will be much small than what I am used to having but it will mean less yard work. Also, I think the neighbors in the Seaview/Puna Beach Palisaides/ Kehena area are a much tighter bunch than in Leilani.

We are thinking about having a child next year and Leilani might have been better suited for that since it is closer in and most likely more kids living in there.

All in all it is pretty tough to compare the neighborhoods. The Tri-Kehena community is all about the same (PBP a little bigger lot) but all the other neighborhoods are pretty different. Keep us posted on where you decide to buy. Remember to introduce yourself around and ask people living there, especially ones that have been there a long time about their neighborhood. Oh and don't pick an agent in Hilo to help with Puna property. Most of them are not that familar with the area.


Messages In This Thread
comparing neighborhoods - by punagirl - 09-05-2005, 02:55 PM
RE: comparing neighborhoods - by emorata - 09-06-2005, 08:10 AM
RE: comparing neighborhoods - by adias - 09-06-2005, 03:14 PM
RE: comparing neighborhoods - by GG - 09-06-2005, 10:25 PM
RE: comparing neighborhoods - by GG - 09-10-2005, 07:54 AM
RE: comparing neighborhoods - by leilaniguy - 11-13-2005, 12:56 PM

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