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Kaumana Killing- Don't look around house unarmed!
Originally posted by DickWilson

Just remember these idiots in England are the same ones who think having camera's monitor you 24/7 is a good idea. They really are to stupid to be allowed to reproduce. Unfortunately we seem to be buying into the same stupidity.

dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"

Though I agree with you about the 24/7 surveillance. We should be worried about this too, the drones are coming.

I have to take issue with your ignorant and violent statement. The idea that people should be allowed, controlled, regulated, etc... Is the prevailing violent threat we face today. These sort of ideas have lead to the 20th century being the first in history where of those that died of unnatural causes more people were murdered by their government then died in war. In fact 6 times as many people were murdered by government then died in all the wars of the 20th century and we had some Big wars. This is called Democide and it is currently the leading killer besides natural causes.
Something to think about.

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul

Messages In This Thread
RE: Kaumana Killing- Don't look around house unarmed! - by dmbwest - 01-09-2013, 01:15 PM
RE: Kaumana Killing- Don't look around house unarmed! - by Guest - 01-09-2013, 03:39 PM
RE: Kaumana Killing- Don't look around house unarmed! - by dmbwest - 01-09-2013, 09:17 PM

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