08-24-2014, 12:07 PM
quote:My apologies. I don't know why I said the West Coast. Northern California, which excludes Northridge of course.
Originally posted by PaulW
"West Coast has the biggest quake in 25 years"
Wasn't Northridge quite a lot bigger?
The news was saying it was the biggest since Loma Prieta, Oct. 1989, 25 year anniversary coming up shortly.
I remember being in San Francisco at school (in class) at Union Square when there was the 6.2 Moraga quake (1984). It was frightening but not damaging, and the high rises swayed. That would have been more comparable in magnitude than Loma Prieta, but the people near the epicenter of this one say it was a serious shake and mention it was shallow. And clearly there was damage.