12-03-2014, 04:36 AM
It looks similar to what is grown in hanging baskets on the mainland and called "Wandering Jew". Nasty hard to get rid of stuff that will cover hedges if given a chance.
From the link posted above: "Not relished by cattle, but they will graze it. Trampling also controls honohono". Hmm, other than out there trampling on it, I suppose you could get goats or something.
Another quote from the above link: "Sensitive to hormone type herbicides. HAVO staff controled honohono with foliar applications of triclopyrester at 1%." Not exactly sure where to get "triclopyrester" but if it gets rid of honohono grass, I may have to get some. It is probably the same as the "triclpyr" in the Ortho Poison Ivy killer? I'll go look at Ace. Getting rid of honohono would be a great thing.
"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales."
Kurt Wilson
From the link posted above: "Not relished by cattle, but they will graze it. Trampling also controls honohono". Hmm, other than out there trampling on it, I suppose you could get goats or something.
Another quote from the above link: "Sensitive to hormone type herbicides. HAVO staff controled honohono with foliar applications of triclopyrester at 1%." Not exactly sure where to get "triclopyrester" but if it gets rid of honohono grass, I may have to get some. It is probably the same as the "triclpyr" in the Ortho Poison Ivy killer? I'll go look at Ace. Getting rid of honohono would be a great thing.
Kurt Wilson
Kurt Wilson