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best bang for the buck on realastate?
One further point. Think about it. All a human needs is to be sheltered from cold, rain, sun. Have place to rest your head, and a place to retreat from a hard day of work etc. We as a society are all in competition mode. Keep up with the Jones;s. We want to impress the relatives or friends on mainland. We are all trained to think big and better. More when we need less. Two hamburgers instead of one just because we can afford it. Or not! If I build again I will build what I mentioned on last posting and rent out my house and let someone else pay it down for me. Who the heck needs all those rooms? Why would someone want a mansion? Its all to impress! Its all a statement..LOOK AT ME..I HAVE MONEY..I HAVE FANCY HOUSE..Hell people are starving and homeless who can only wish to live in a closet of one of these places. We are wastefull creatures. We really do not need all this space to live. selfish, its a show, its a statement.Think about it.

frank battaglia

Messages In This Thread
RE: best bang for the buck on realastate? - by wa2hfi - 05-30-2005, 08:49 AM
RE: best bang for the buck on realastate? - by wa2hfi - 05-30-2005, 08:55 AM
RE: best bang for the buck on realastate? - by wa2hfi - 05-31-2005, 09:04 PM

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