11-01-2017, 03:42 AM
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge
Part of the problem is that the PO has no money, and is losing money.
I have always been puzzled that the USPS is supposed to make money, or at least not lose money. As one of the few institutions specified in the constitution as the responsibility of the Federal Government, why must it break even?
I can't think of any other Federal government program that is expected to break even--probably there are some?
Every Federal program I can think of simply takes tax money (or borrowed money) and spends it at a "loss" of 100%.
Maybe the IRS could be considered a money maker, but with the deficit spending they aren't breaking even in the big picture.
Never really used the Hilo Airport USPS, but am delighted with the workers at the Pahoa branch (not the parking lot, but whatever).