06-13-2018, 05:39 AM
Originally posted by Frank
@ kalaloa Rolling back all Raises of County employees
Beyond their authority -- raises were negotiated by the unions, at the State level.
At the very least the county council members should rollback their salary increases, which as I recall they voted for themselves, as a show of solidarity with their people. The amount of dollars is minimal when stacked up against the money needed for this event but it would be a great gesture...personal opinion of course
btw, what happen to the Rainy Day Fund? You know, just in case we have a disaster?
Rainy day fund? I almost fell out of my chair. When talking about the government, there is no such thing as a rainy day fund. The government is notorious for spending more money than what is taken in and that doesn’t include the millions of dollars in waste. People have way too much faith in government.