07-27-2018, 08:06 PM
Current code is 2006 International Residential Code - as approved by Hawaii County. They made a few changes to it so it isn't just that standard 2006 IRC code.
The 'old' footings were a big 'tofu' block on the ground (16" x 16" x 8" concrete block) with a small 'tofu' block on top (8" x 8" x 6" concrete block) a metal termite pan and then your 4" x 4" post on top of that. No Simpson fittings to be seen anywhere. But those were about three or four code changes ago and before Hurricane Iniki. A lot of buildings built that way are still standing, though.
"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales."
Kurt Wilson
The 'old' footings were a big 'tofu' block on the ground (16" x 16" x 8" concrete block) with a small 'tofu' block on top (8" x 8" x 6" concrete block) a metal termite pan and then your 4" x 4" post on top of that. No Simpson fittings to be seen anywhere. But those were about three or four code changes ago and before Hurricane Iniki. A lot of buildings built that way are still standing, though.
Kurt Wilson
Kurt Wilson