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Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway
Originally posted by MarkP

"Basically, the paper says that when you get into an ag area you can find ag chemicals, if you have sophisticated equipment and plenty of know-how. The authors discuss that they sample two different sites with different crops growing, so that could affect data and account for some of the weirdness and spikes observed.. It does not change the take-home message that agricultural chemicals volatilize and persist in the environment, so it is best to minimize their use, use chemicals with less environmental impact, and choose seeds that require less chemical.

That is exactly what GM crops do, and exactly what the data shows.

Some additional points to note:

1. The use of “Monsanto’s Roundup” in the website titles above. Glyphosate was detected. The test did not find “Roundup” and the authors do not say “Roundup” once in the manuscript cited. Do you see a political agenda showing?

2. The headlines above come from sources where the authors did not read the paper– it was not available, just the abstract.

3. The same information outlets neglected to mention that glyphosate increases offset the use of other herbicides with more impact, that insecticide use was down, and that the levels were nanograms per cubic meter.

These are all important to note because is reveals how misinformed, ignorant and willing to deceive the anti-GMO media really is. They are not out for science or truth, it is about an agenda."

Someone here was saying that roundup was in the rain. The above article address that hysteria. Seems once again that the internet is a vehicle to spread misinformation when the essence of a statement is twisted almost beyond recognition.

All this harping about "Do it for the children". I am not closing my mind to the possibility that chemicals used today could have downsides but neither am I exaggerating the downsides or forgetting the incredible upsides. The availability of food today, particularly without having to engage in backbreaking labor in agricultural fields is like some wild dream compared to only a couple of generations ago. Also overall health is pretty darn good too. I don't think that your kids would thank you for condemning them to be agricultural laborers. Ask any Chinese person who lived through the Cultural Revolution.

None of that is the point though. The present body of evidence is not sufficient to support this verdict. Monsanto getting convicted without evidence is like any other unpopular bogeyman getting convicted without evidence. It is tempting to just feel good cause you got the bad guy but the convicted without evidence part ought to scare the crap out of you, the cure being worse than the disease.

Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding - Winner, Winner, Winner. From DDT to GMO to "climate change on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.

The "reason" stated for infringing on your lifestyle (read "freedom") are always LIES and merely PRETENSE!!!! Wake up, Sheeple.

And NO, you can't watch the lava, it's dangerous!!!!!!!! If you try to see it, we'll arrest you, cite you and maybe toe-tag you.

Like a pot with a frog in it, you are being cooked degree by degree until, one day, you wake up and ask, "Where have all the our Flowers Freedoms gone?".


Messages In This Thread
RE: Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway - by Guest - 08-15-2018, 01:37 AM
RE: Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway - by taropatch - 06-22-2019, 05:52 PM

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