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Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway
Originally posted by kalakoa

Perhaps you should consider relocating to a jurisdiction that shares your worldview.
And there it is.. the real kalakoa. If he don't like what you say his response is a big.. oh so nicely put.. go away.

Damn, when I think of how riled, how offended, how kalakoa would act if a native born were to tell him to move along..

And the funny thing is, from my perspective, it looks like kalakoa is talking about himself. It is he that does not like our local government's effort to wrestle with matters of our, its constituents, health. It is he that whines, insistently, about taxes and the services he feels he is not provided. It is kalakoa that expresses, almost daily, his displeasure with our "jurisdiction."

But no, he wants to, as if it is in vogue, impose his displeasures on others. Whereas I, well I like that the county is trying to figure out alternatives to herbicides. And I like that the state is realistic enough to recognize that things like the ferry system are impractical. And I like, am very proud of, our senatorial representation speaking up to the madness in the nation's capital. And I like that there are so few here who would vote for those that are perpetrating that madness on us.

But kalakoa, who says, maybe I should find somewhere that shares my worldview, spends hours, every day, expressing his displeasure about our island world. In fact, he does it more than anyone else here. Go figure.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway - by taropatch - 06-22-2019, 05:52 PM
RE: Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway - by Guest - 11-26-2019, 02:06 PM

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