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You've been lied to - Plastic Recycling edition
You did did at least read the article right? Former industry insiders explaining the PR push all the way back into the 70s & 80s? Much bigger than people can't sort their trash, which many of us did conscientiously for a long time - just was never a confirmation
/certification process to insure said materials actually ended up being recycled.

From link -
A report sent to top industry executives in April 1973 called recycling plastic "costly" and "difficult." It called sorting it "infeasible," saying "there is no recovery from obsolete products." Another document a year later was candid: There is "serious doubt" widespread plastic recycling "can ever be made viable on an economic basis."

Despite this, three former top officials, who have never spoken publicly before, said the industry promoted recycling as a way to beat back a growing tide of antipathy toward plastic in the 1980s and '90s. The industry was facing initiatives to ban or curb the use of plastic. Recycling, the former officials told NPR and Frontline, became a way to preempt the bans and sell more plastic.

"There was never an enthusiastic belief that recycling was ultimately going to work in a significant way," says Lew Freeman, former vice president of government affairs for the industry's lobbying group, then called the Society of the Plastics Industry, or SPI."

Much more at link

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RE: You've been lied to - Plastic Recycling edition - by ironyak - 04-02-2020, 04:58 AM

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