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There are now 20 brand new homes for sale in HPP.
Beer is indeed a beverage. You're always right.  I'm just hoping that the one Punawebber, who is inventing the new economic system and who also will hopefully build out and manage TPB&G, hurries it up already. From the sound of it we may ALL get free beer.  There may even also be bowls of "ze bugs" on the counter instead of peanuts.

Speaking of "ze bugs" and new economic systems. Do we really own our home anyway?  I mean if you step back and take a hard look and are honest with yourself, The County owns our homes. We just rent from them and if life throws us a curve ball, The County, ever committed to ending homelessness, will evict us from "our home" for failure to pay the rent.  If you look at your deed it probably says you are a "tenant" of one kind of another, right after your name.

At these mass psychosis, bidding war hangover prices, and 6-7% interest mortgage loans, it's cheaper to rent than to pretend you own anyways.  Might as well just make some popcorn and watch this all play out.

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RE: There are now 34 brand new homes for sale in HPP. - by Punatang - 05-20-2024, 11:24 PM

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