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Aloha Registered Patients and Caregivers
"I find it a bit ironic that the political party that wants the electorate to be barefoot and pregnant thinks that the electorate that actually thinks and acts should be punished, jailed or even executed."

I've never heard the barefoot and pregnant thing used to describe democrats before.

The democrats made hemp illegal in 1937 and the republicans re-legalized it in 2018.

In the interim, a majority Republican-nominated supreme court justices threw out Timothy Leary's marijuana conviction in 1969, Leary v. United States, which was predicated on the 1937 democrat bill.

It was Hillary Clinton that popularized the term "super predator" in 1996 in reference to pushing mandatory minimum sentencing for repeat drug offenders. Filling the jails in this manner stopped when a republican president signed the First Step Act in 2018. Because some components were retroactive, approximately 30,000 people have been freed as a result.

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RE: Aloha Registered Patients and Caregivers - by terracore - 05-24-2024, 12:24 AM

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