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Question for Rob on current PunaWeb hopes & expectations
(08-02-2024, 05:27 PM)ironyak Wrote: HiloJulie - maybe there are more books written?
You know the author's name, you know how to use Amazon, but don't know how to find their first book? You're doing the "I'm not being disingenuous, I'm just dumb as a brick" tap dance again? If this really is so complicated for you, take up the suggestion and go to the library. I'm sure someone there can help you with the enormous task of sorting an author's work by publication date and looking at the first few pages of the book to find the dedication, if you actually care.

I guess every circus needs its clowns, every village its idiots. At least TomK is committed to the bit and not breaking kayfabe. Maybe take him to the library with you, as apparently he's sticking with insisting on needing basic assistance as well.

Well, I see you’re back to the shallow minded debate tactic of everyone else being a clown, circus member or idiot and you’re the most brilliant. Can’t debate with facts or logic, so all you can muster is just toss out the typical uneducated mindless insults. 

At any event, I know how to research authors and their books. And, as I’ve now said 3 times, I’ve found three books, two of which the person in question is listed as the “photographer” and one where he is listed as a “coauthor.” 

Further, I’ve read each of those books. I don’t recall there being this dedication written in any of the 3 books, either due to me just not remembering it (it’s been over 10 years since I read the books) or it was just so inconsequential, or, since I bought the books at the reuse center, perhaps it was just ripped out. 

At any event, here’s a question for you: Have YOU read his books? And if so, do YOU know about this so called “dedication” as he claims he wrote?

Now I really am not expecting any coherent answer from you to those questions, so why not rip off another reply post full of you calling myself (and Tom) an idiot or a clown or some other kind of 2nd grade mentality insult as that’s all you are seemingly capable of doing. 

And when you eventually pull the baseball bat sized stick out of your ass, you just might learn something.

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RE: Question for Rob on current PunaWeb hopes & expectations - by HiloJulie - 08-02-2024, 07:20 PM

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