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Ormat gossip
You are so looney toons you are like Syd Singer trying to save the coquis!
I had the misfortune to have to live in Warrensburg Missouri for abouy six months when I was in 4th grade. A bunch of rowdies during recess asked me if I was from the north or the south. Silly me, I said, well, I guessed Seattle would be in the north. Next thing I was getting pummeled from the group of mini thugs. Guess, I should have answered, "Got any grits there Chester??". I didn't know they were still fighting the Civil War down there.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
This is a copy of an email I sent recently to Yehudit 'Dita' Bronicki. I am publishing this for your information. When I know you will know and for those of you who do not want to know stop following this topic.

My name is RJ Hampton I met you back in 2009 when you visited Council woman Emily Naeole's office you gave her a book about your projects Ormat Technologies Inc. in Imperial Valley. Some people seem to think that it is none of my business where you were born and they have all but told me so yet I know how old you are and where you went to school etc. yet where you are born, nope. I asked the people in Nevada at the home office and they would not say they referred me to the PGV plant in Hawai'i and they declined to say I looked you up on the web the web declines to say so too. I thought the right thing to do is to ask you directly and hope for an answer I know how busy you must be. Did you settle in Israel from the United States as a young girl or were you born in another country like your husband? I keep telling people you hold dual citizenship, I keep telling them you could not be born in Israel that it was not a state at the time it was Palestine not till 1947 did Israel become a State of which you are a citizen. Do you hold dual citizenship for America and Israel?

Thanking you in advance with much aloha oh yes may I add next Sunday is Mother's Day and I wish you the best day ever!
Originally posted by birdmove
I didn't know they were still fighting the Civil War down there.

Sounds like you're due for another beating; it's the War of Northern Aggression ya damn yankee! (Sorry O/T but wanted to pass along this insight as it was given to me Smile

Still waiting for the Mystery Inc team to unmask the villian trying to steal all that gold in the wells. And they'll get away with it too if it's not for a meddling punatic and their talking dog!
Originally posted by ironyak
And they'll get away with it too if it's not for a meddling punatic and their talking dog!


Thanks for posting. I value your contributions to this website and am always eager to read what you have to offer.

I nominate this post (quoted above) as post of the year. Just saying.
Thanks, but what's funny is that I'd nominate RJ's contributions for posts of the year. Far more entertaining than my meager efforts.

You still on the agenda for County Council RJ? Day and time to tune in?

On May 5 2015 it starts at 10:00AM Committee on Agriculture, Water and Sustainability an hour has been set aside for questions and discussion. First comes public testimony. Then the Power point presentation. Issues related to 'geothermal material recovery'.

You can view this presentation live on our County of Hawai‘i website.

I did not come to Hawai'i to change it. I came to Hawaii to have it change me[8D]
Originally posted by rainyjim

Originally posted by ironyak
And they'll get away with it too if it's not for a meddling punatic and their talking dog!


Thanks for posting. I value your contributions to this website and am always eager to read what you have to offer.
I nominate this post (quoted above) as post of the year. Just saying.

Punatic! How did you find out? Was it this link ?[Big Grin]
Mahalo I take what you said as a well articulated compliment[Wink]
Originally posted by rainyjim

Originally posted by ironyak
And they'll get away with it too if it's not for a meddling punatic and their talking dog!


Thanks for posting. I value your contributions to this website and am always eager to read what you have to offer.

I nominate this post (quoted above) as post of the year. Just saying.

I second that. Rut-RO!


All we need now is some "Stout Hearted Men" [Big Grin]

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