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Prepping for a virus situation
So it's been about an hour since the above experiment. I feel fine. I got a little stuck in my throat, so don't recommend over a half leaf. Maybe I should have chewed it better. The skin of guava leaf is tough, so chewing it better would release more of the active principle. Also when making a tea, chop it as fine to as possible to release active principle. Would love to hear from others that have used guava leaf tea.
That’s a good report about the leaves...

If a significant percent of the USA and Hawaii, schools and businesses and etc., switches to skype-like distance learning/working like zoom, and people are streaming more than ever from their homes, at what point does the internet crumble to some degree?

What is the prep for no reliable internet? I suppose those already on the bottom without internet could give us a pointer. Except...

at what point does the internet crumble to some degree?

We are there: Netflix and YouTube are slowing down in Europe to keep the internet from breaking
Most of the internet infrastructure is managed remotely. If hardware does fail, a lone nerd can be dispatched to replace it. The real problems come when you run out of replacement parts.
at what point does the internet crumble to some degree?
We are there:

Local storage is surprisingly(?) still a thing and cheaper / easier than ever. Can even keep a local copy of wikipedia for some light reading.
(only about 16 gigs currently!)
"What is the prep for no reliable internet? "

Radio / television, and for those who want to interact, HAM radio. No HAM license required during an "emergency". It does take awhile ( a learning curve) to find HAM repeaters and how to use them unless you have a mentor.

Good shortwave receivers can (or were) available for cheap on Amazon that can pull in radio from all over the planet. I have a few I bought to play with. The ones from Japan work the best.

They work best at night. Outdoors. There are others on this forum who know a lot more about this subject than I do, please correct my inaccuracies and provide other input if so inclined.

ETA: No HAM license required for listening. Only for broadcasting. There are no restrictions on using HAM transceivers in listen mode regardless of licensed status.
I found this video to be very informative (if you still have internet):
As I've been trying to consume large amounts of information one strategy I've found useful (on youtube) is using the "playback speed" feature. In the bottom right corner of the youtube video is an icon that looks like a gear. If you click on it, one of the options is to increase the playback speed up to 2x.

I have found that in most videos I can go straight to 2x and absorb the information in half the time. In some cases if the person has an accent or whatever that makes them harder to hear in 2x speed, if I go from 1.0 to 1.25 to 1.5 etc in increments it "trains" my mind to understand them at a faster speed in just a few seconds. I haven't been watching anything at "normal" speed for some time. Give it a try.

It doesn't work for live feeds (obviously).

eta: I've tried watching two (or more) feeds at a time. It's not as effective as speeding up a single feed for comprehension.

Press conference live on khon tv...
Governor signs mandate for 14 day quarantine for all visitors and returning residents. $5000 fine for people who break quarantine!

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