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Vaccinated People Spread The Delta Variant, CDC Says

Israel, Once the Model for Beating Covid, Faces New Surge of Infections
One of the most vaccinated societies, Israel now has one of the highest infection rates in the world, raising questions about the vaccine’s efficacy.

JERUSALEM — Last spring, Israel’s remarkably swift vaccination campaign was seen as a global model. Coronavirus infections plummeted, an electronic pass allowed the vaccinated to attend indoor concerts and sporting events, and distancing rules and mask mandates were eventually scrapped.

Israel offered the world a hopeful glimpse of the way out of the pandemic.

No longer.

A fourth wave of infections is rapidly approaching the levels of Israel’s worst days of the pandemic last winter. The daily rate of confirmed new virus cases has more than doubled in the last two weeks, making Israel a rising hot spot on the international charts.

Restrictions on gatherings and commercial and entertainment venues were reinstated this week, and the government is considering a new lockdown.
“I believe we are at war,” Israel’s coronavirus commissioner, Prof. Salman Zarka, told a parliamentary committee on Wednesday.

Scientists are still assessing how Israel’s pandemic response plunged from shining example to cautionary tale, and the stunning reversal has provided a crucial test for Israel’s new prime minister, Naftali Bennett, who staked a claim for leadership partly on the strength of his manifesto, “How to Beat a Pandemic.”

But some experts fear that Israel’s high rate of infections among early vaccine recipients may indicate a waning of the vaccine’s protections over time, a finding that contributed to a U.S. decision Wednesday to begin offering booster shots to Americans starting next month.

The vaccine may be less effective at preventing infection with the highly contagious Delta variant, now the primary version of the virus in Israel. And the first cohort to be vaccinated was an older group whose immune systems may have been weaker to begin with.

By June, Israelis, convinced the worst was over, had abandoned social distancing and other precautions.

“Everyone went about the business of trying to put the memory of a very difficult year and a half behind them,” said Prof. Ran Balicer, chairman of an expert panel that advises the Israeli government on Covid response.

“At that point in time,” he said, “the paradigm for many was that Israel is the most vaccinated country in the world, that vaccinated people rarely become infected, that even more rarely do they become severely ill and that basically, with very few precautions in place, the population was very close to herd immunity, all things considered. That was not a mistake.”

The problem, he said, was that what was true for the original virus “did not necessarily hold true for future variants coupled with waning immunity.”

The entire article is at the link above..
Rob, I didn't write that. Sistersue gets the credit for that quote.
Yep. Annual booster shots.
GOPbme, I listened, and most of his claims have already been debunked. His "cure" does not work. And he doesn't acknowledge that the vaccines will save lives and prevent serious disease, whether or not there are breakthrough cases.

Why do you believe this? Why do you think some kook at a school board meeting knows better than the CDC and every major health organization in governments around the world? If what he was saying were true, why wouldn't studies have confirmed it by now?
randomq - GOPbme just got banned, so you aren't going to get a response unless he creates yet another new sock puppet.
Love to see the various Venns of this discussion.
Puna:  Our roosters crow first!
(08-18-2021, 11:03 PM)sistersue Wrote: And my 2 cents is that people who don't get vaccinated think it won't happen to them - that they won't end up in the hospital.  There are also some that have had bad reactions to flu shots in the past so they're afraid of the covid shot.  Also, a lot of the unvaccinated just don't care about protecting others or are too lazy to go and get the shot.  The two times I caught covid were from my family members, not the grocery store.
No, thats not really true. People that will never participate in an experimental injection know fully well they could get sick and end up in the hospital. But the odds of such happening is very very low. the risk of death is also very low.

yes, some have had bad reactions to the injection, including death and permanent disability and damage.

You yourself caught the infection. did you die? It seems not. Was it a fun flu? No, its not the fun flu. Although the delta variant is a lot easier than the first go around. Likely because you and others that have had it now have natural immunity. And if you did get the injection, why did you catch it a 2nd time if the injection actually worked as intended. Best go get that 12th experimental booster shot... so gullible.

regardless of who you want to bitch about not doing their part. Some people will eventually fall to peer pressure to take the experiment. Some will never. When ADE starts kicking in this winter it will be quite interesting how they frame the people who did not take the injection as the cause of the injection dying regardless of the lifelong permanent arterial damage many of them will have from the spike protein overload. Some want to force onto everyone. What kind of sick twisted national socialist wants to force experimental treatment on everyone?


(08-19-2021, 05:13 AM)Rob Tucker Wrote: I am leaning toward an opinion that at any given moment a sizeable number of people have no idea what they are doing or why.
This is truth.
(08-19-2021, 02:55 PM)kander Wrote: People that will never participate in an experimental injection..

See, what'd I tell ya, fear.

'Tis a shame we've allowed the so called 'conservatives' to undermine our educational system, eh?
What kind of sick twisted national socialist wants to force experimental treatment on everyone?

What happens when the "experimental" treatment is granted full approval? Same answer?
(08-19-2021, 06:20 PM)kalakoa Wrote: What kind of sick twisted national socialist wants to force experimental treatment on everyone?

What happens when the "experimental" treatment is granted full approval? Same answer?

The FDA is not going throw away years of safety methodology for an experimental injection without the years of safety data. Unless you think the talking heads on tv are correct in their assumption.
The FDA halted the swine flu vax after 25 deaths, with all the stuff cropping up on this injection you can bet its not going to happen overnight.

And if the FDA did actually ignore their safety protocols for this, without going through all the normal safety protocols, would that make you feel better? knowing that you just dont know other than what some talking head on the tv tells you to think?

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