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Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway
PaulW - Yes, of course, don't trust the FDA, don't trust government, don't trust evil scientists, put your trust in Twitter instead.

No, trust in people to make decisions for themselves - just give them the information they need to be informed. As HOTPE said, it's not just a RoundUp issue. Why is this so hard to allow?

Having spent over a decade working in the industry (as a not-so-evil scientist), I have a pretty good handle on how the FDA process works. Perhaps you have similar experience that gives you your unending faith in the systems currently used? Because it's never harmed people in the past right? (some of them in Hawaii I'm sure Rob Wink
Answer the question: should we label for everything, or just things that have evidence of harm? We're gonna need a bigger label.
Yes, I worked in the industry too and I had dealings with the FDA as well and if anything I found they were over cautious.
I also know someone in Hawaii who was directly impacted by Vioxx. The FDA isn't perfect, but they base their findings on evidence, not what some guy said in an email once.
PaulW - Yes, I worked in the industry too and I had dealings with the FDA as well and if anything I found they were over cautious.

Just this one example of the FDA's regulatory failures resulted in over a hundred thousand individuals effected and billions of dollars of damages and you think they are OVER cautious? Clearly we have different standards of performance, which is fine. You're happy with RoundUp's testing and FDA approval and want to dip your chips, have at it. Other people, states, even whole countries think otherwise - just add it to the label and let everyone make their own informed choices.

PaulW - Answer the question: should we label for everything, or just things that have evidence of harm? We're gonna need a bigger label.

If it is going in, or on, your body why would you not want to know what it is? Yes, label all ingredients. You seem to be arguing for not labeling at all as ingredients generally don't cause harm (bean-dips excepted)

Pan to consumer standing in the aisle, package of food in hand. Cue the Billy Crudup voice over:
"More black ink for bigger & more informative labels - fractions of a cent. Knowing what partially-studied and semi-regulated chemicals you are ingesting - priceless."
Ahh finally. People starting to see the depth of this problem with the disgusting roundup chemicals spreading throughout the food industry and hiding in almost everything that isn't organic.

Thank you Glinda for your posts because I seem to have been unable or struggling to enlighten the masses.

I've been struggling with this for most my life, I think I tend to rub some people the wrong way for some reason? [:p]

And Cheers, thanks for the good wishes and no, no heat stroke here. Water breaks. I am in fantastic chiseled shape from all the work I do growing my own food.

Okay, so we should bend to every special interest group and conspiracy theory and put any and all information on all labels even if there is no evidence whatsoever of it being of any use to anyone? It’s impossible. You have to draw the line somewhere, how about where reality meets fantasy.
put any and all information on all labels even if there is no evidence whatsoever

Simply require people to register and obtain permits for any "dangerous" activity: handling gasoline, herbicides, eating undercooked fish, etc.
I have a hard time seeing people's concerns, voiced by millions, regarding Roundup to be the same as

so we should bend to every special interest group and conspiracy theory

I find that sort of statement to be an example of someone who has nothing constructive to contribute to the discussion but rather than leaving it at that they have a child like need to be demeaning and crass. As such I have a hard time understanding how anyone would consider what they have to say seriously.
Many people also wouldn't care what some camera jockey in Honoka'a has to say about it either.
I saw a post on social media this week saying that "sunscreen causes sun cancer".
I'll be stopping by Longs today and I hope to see all of you picketing outside demanding that "Sunscreen has been linked to cancer (on facebook)" immediately be put on the label of all sunscreens because it's best to be safe, isn't it?

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